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Everything posted by aurot

  1. Didn't think I'd need to spell that one out.
  2. You are the sort of bug tester the world needs. You are a good person.
  3. is roblox any good

  4. Good stuff, lads. Keep it up. <3
  5. yo where the FUCK is the honey

  6. dog filter more like thot filter...........
  7. where all the honey at

  8. Given that we had a problem a week or so ago where someone summoned the whole server to their phase, forcing the whole server to restart their clients, maybe until we fix that bug, summon should be toggled off by default, or even better, it should be changed to that permanently to prevent any mass summonings.
  9. The problem in and of itself is non-deterministic, there's far too much nuance in language to really have a catch-all algorithm to determine what is and what isn't a valid response. I hate to be a bummer, but this is an incredibly difficult problem to solve, if not impossible. In fact, wikipedia basically lists it as an unsolved, philosophical problem of linguistics.
  10. I think you're diving into some philosophical questions about linguistics that can't really be answered in a satisfyingly meaningful way.
  11. aurot

    cout << "Hi.";

    why the FUCK didn't you use an endl or a \n why the FUCK are you obfuscating the namespace fucking rRREEEEEEE Im kidding hello
  12. Maybe just split the channels if it's really a problem. One that's #politics-memes and one that's #politics-discussion. And the one for discussion has no embeds. I can see the frustration because any time I drop in there it's very rarely actual discussion it's just /pol/ memes which mostly I don't have a problem with but if you're trying to actually discuss something, if people are just barraging the channel with Holocaust jokes, it isn't really enjoyable.
  13. aurot

    Scale Finder

    Oh, yeah. I'm aware they're not really endorsed canon, which is what I meant. I just figured "hey, good exercise to learn a new language, fuck it might as well share" although now i need a new excuse to learn lua i guess unless y'all wanna take on a greenhorn for some extra help...
  14. aurot

    Scale Finder

    Reserved for changelog.
  15. aurot

    Scale Finder

    Hi. I'm Pooh Bear. I needed an excuse to learn some C#. I wrote a dinky little program to find the scale modifier you'd put into !mod scale <number> based off of Wowpedia's numbers for heights found here. I recognize some people don't agree with these numbers or anything, but hey. It's worth a shot for some consistency. I don't expect anyone to use it religiously but I thought "Hey I spent 6 hours coding this, might as well share it, right?" Anyway, it's kind of in a beta stage, so don't expect it to work perfectly or look pretty. If you're a security nut, feel free to look at the source code here. It might crash, but if it manages to hurt your computer, you've got way bigger problems than Pooh Bear's Scale Finder. If you encounter a bug, by all means, let me know about it at this link. But bear in mind, if you don't tell me what you were trying to do, how you tried to do it, and what happened instead of what you were expecting, I won't read it, and I'll delete the entry. I know that sounds rude, but just saying "It crashes" does not help me find and fix the problem at all. You're probably looking for the link but hold your dang horses. Your anti-virus might freak out because you can bet your ass it won't recognize it, I don't think it'll remove it, but if it does, just PM me and we'll figure it out. A couple of pointers: Please go from top to bottom filling out the stuff. I haven't tested filling it out backward or in a random order, although I don't think that should cause any problems. If you're using metrics, it follows the scheme of x.yz meters. The second field that was Inches won't let you enter anything. So if you want to put in 2 meters and 20 cm, put 2.2 into the Meters field. If you're using metrics and want to use a value less than a meter for some reason, you need to use the scheme 0.xy meters in the Meters field. Download that shit here. PS: I've attached a poll to see if you people want me to punish myself more and learn LUA so I can just make it an addon. That will probably take more time, and I won't make any promises, just tell me if that sounds interesting or not to you.
  16. give me that FAT blood knight position, scrivenaut. i demand it. -your local neighborhood pooh bear
  17. aurot


    hi i'm pooh bear dont worry about the aurot thing haha some of you fellows might know me from paragon as blaine other div-x OGs might know me as azeligos or praetor/vynethiel (wow those names are a blast from the past)
  18. aurot


    lana is mine also its blaine