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  1. Hello, I didn't find it, so I did it.My UCM allows you to send a command before a long message, like '.npc say', and it will repeat it for each message. (It closes the emotes too) All commands must be set up using /umcadmin. Update UnlimitedChatMessage.zip
  2. Short: This Forged NPC List is exactly what it says on the tin (+ A bit extra), adding a working NPC list to the NPC Forge tab that shows all the forged NPCs in the phase. It's divided into a phase level and a GUID level, allowing you to see a list of all the forged NPCs in the phase, or specifically all the spawns of a specific NPC. It includes filtering, spawning & deleting. Screenshots: A few more images, including a small guide on all the functionality can be found here: https://imgur.com/a/RmDA45p Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mCYj4tWTy9XAhpUOLT4FUBY5pHU-VaUF/ Installation: Download the zip from the link above, open the zip & drag the Epsilon_Forge_NPCList folder inside into your World of Warcraft/Interface/Addons/ folder for Epsilon, start the game & it should now show up in your Epsilon addon list. Full Functionality: A list of all forged NPCs in a phase The ability to spawn any NPC from this list The ability to delete any NPC from this list (Will completely delete the NPC, including any spawn points!) A secondary list of each GUID found within your phase (Or a message to show that this NPC hasn't been spawned anywhere in your phase) The ability to teleport directly to each GUID The ability to spawn the NPC from this list The ability to delete any specific GUID from this list, deleting only this spawn Filter options for the primary forged list, for both ID & name. 787413 Stormwind Infantry can be found by typing in "741", "Stormwind", "stormwind", & "rMwiND iNF". Whatever your liking! A manual refresh button, so you can hand refresh whenever you or other members of your phase create new NPCs.
  3. Dicemaster 5.1.3 Version of DM I've been using a while now, I can't quite find this addon back through curseforge or other means so I decided to compress the one I got to make it easier for others to find back! Installing the addons: Unzip the... zipfiles? Yes, that. And go to your Epsilon directory → _Retail_ → Interface → Addons, then drop the files into there, that should do it! Dicemaster: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oAcL_PKQAimHNeEqmxU4MTIVOZ5b08pF/view?usp=sharing Dicemaster Unit_Frames: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EV8-TZtZbT72XsDchJucSLzDJbL0ZeQA/view?usp=sharing Note that I'm not skilled in addon down-porting or any such kind so please do not make requests I can't fulfill! (I merely found a working version of the addon, nothing more ^^)
  4. - Introduction A simple addon that let you check your distance from point A to B for roleplay events. It will also send it in the PARTY or RAID channel is you are in a party or a raid group. - How to use it /distance unit to switch from meters to yards (Saved). /distance to starts or stops a measurement. /distance waypoint to add a waypoint. - Download
  5. Asking to know if is there any thoughts on adding the TRP extended to the Epsilon launcher? I use the extended objects sometimes but people are usually lazy to download it (we're lucky they use the TRP because it's already integrated in the complete Epsilon download) so I was wondering ? Would it be possible to add the extended too?
  6. EmoteHelper - comfy say/emotes panel! This addon adds keybindings with which you can call two panels. One for Say and one for Emote. The advantage of this panel over the usual chat in the form of a large (resizeable) window, with the ability to enter text there. In addition to the fact that you can see all the text you have entered, so you can put it away for later, just by closing the window (cross in the corner or Escape). When you open the window again, it will be filled with unsent text, and will also remember its location and size (at least until you reload the interface). Also this addon is compatible with ChatBubble and takes into account its settings. Media: Video & Image Installation Download this and move "EmoteHelper" folder from archive to YourWowFolder\_retail_\Interface\AddOns. Start game, go to Keybindings and set keys.
  7. Talked about this elsewhere, and was directed to here, but the idea was to create an addon to utilize the .npc and some of the .ph for npc commands in a UI, so that it would be easier for potential DMs to run events or manipulate NPCs in a scene in a much easier fashion.
  8. Announce Ignore - A QoL Feature Addon The 'Problem': WoW does not check & block ignored players in System Messages, because the messages technically don't come from the player, they come from the server. Not an issue in retail, but can be annoying with .ann & .phase announce. This adds a simple filter to check the sending player of the message, and hides it if they're on your ignore list. Options: By default, the addon's filter only checks "Announce" and "Phase Announce" messages. This means things like ".app" and such still come through. If you want to block those also, you can do "/annignore" to switch the filter's scope to block ALL System Messages 'from' that player. I only recommend this change if they are spamming you with commands that send a message, as you might want some of those messages so you can properly handle the situation (i.e., if you have this switched to ALL, and your .app is turned ON, they may Appear you and you would not get the message they appeared you..). Download: https://github.com/MindScape00/Announce_Ignore/releases/download/v1.0.0/Announce_Ignore-v100.zip Install: Simply extract the Announce_Ignore folder from the ZIP file into your \Epsilon\_retail_\Interface\AddOns\ folder.
  9. I know I'm probably an oddity in that I still use MRP, so I'm not sure how many people will use this guide, but I'd like to share my journey with this. I've been using MRP for years and I much prefer it's clean, simple, and elegant interface as it forces me to not rely on it as much while being out of my way, even if it has far less functionality than TRP3 or even XRP. I do like TRP3's map scan function though so I wanted to use that while keeping my current addon. First off, like any addon that doesn't come with Epsilon pre-installed, you'll want to get it from CurseForge, the 8.3 version. https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/my-role-play/download/2956215 Extract it and put it in your addons folder like you would any other addon Next, restart your game make sure they are both enabled (MRP and TRP3). First launch will probably throw an error which is fine as long as they are both showing. Go into the TRP3 Settings and start disabling as much as you can. Everything in the General tab Everything in the Register tab except for Enable Character Location Nothing really needs to be changed in the Frames or Advanced tab All modules in the Modules Status tab can be disabled (Click the arrow) If everything went right, you should be back to a plain old MRP interface. Nothing TRP3 should be visible except for the minimap button. At this point however when others click on you it will show a blank profile or your TRP3 profile to them when you want them to see the MRP profile. This is where it gets a little bit tricky. We'll need to modify two files within your addons folder. The first is in "<Install folder>\_retail_\Interface\AddOns\totalRP3\modules\register\characters" Right-click on "register_main.lua" and hit Open With and use whatever your editing program of choice is. Notepad will work, I like Notepad++. Go to line 794 and it should say TRP3_API.register.inits.dataExchangeInit(); You can also ctrl-f and look for it. From here, add two dashes before like this, then hit save -- TRP3_API.register.inits.dataExchangeInit(); Finally, go to this folder "<Install Folder>\_retail_\Interface\AddOns\totalRP3\modules\register\main" And rename "register_exchange.lua" to "_old_register_exchange.lua" Once done you can /reload in game This modification of the TRP3 will remove it's ability to communicate profiles, which will allow other users to see your MRP profile instead of the TRP3 one. TRP3 actually uses 3 different protocols to communicate, the first and most important being what we disabled, TRP2P. The second is what it uses for the map scan functionality, RPB, and the third is for communication with other RP addons, MSP. This should leave you with a version of TRP3 that you won't have to see or deal with, though when you open your map there is now a functioning map scan button, and others can scan you. If you have something like Stubby installed you may start seeing errors pop up, so disable any lua debugging addons you might have.
  10. Hello there, yes it's me again. I'm just reposting an addon that I haven't been able to find at all on the forums anymore for some reason. I would ask the creator of it for permission but sadly I have no idea who made it to begin with so I have to go ahead with this, and if the creator sees this and wishes for me to take it down, please let me know immediatly and I will. Without further ado... Download below! Extract & simply place in Interface > addons! Epsilon_Tool.7z
  11. GobSel Small AddOn that lets you select game-objects the old way. If you're not used to the new syntax of selecting objects requiring you to pad your select term in quotes, then hopefully this will help. Installation Extract GobSel folder to the following directory: Epsilon\interface\Addons Usage Active whenever using the .gobject select command in-game. Download will pretty the post up later. Contact me on Discord Gardener#9456 or in-game if you encounter any troubles.
  12. NewChar Source: https://github.com/iplantplants/NewChar Last Updated: 15/09/2019 Current Release Version 0.1.5 Features • Automatically cleans action bars, bags and gear from newly created characters. • Commands added to make life easier when emptying bags, action bars and equipment. Bug Fixes • Fixed issue where old characters were seen as new. • Changed clash command from /nc clean to /clean Installation • Extract NewChar folder from NewChar.zip to your EpsilonWoW\interface\addons directory. Usage /nc help - will display all available commands in-game. /nc clear bags/gear/bars - clears those, respectively. Changelog Download