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Everything posted by Gardener

  1. Oh! I know this one! Download this config.zip unzip and place the extracted config folder into Epsilon/data folder. Hope to see you ingame!
  2. a rule or system, or whatever so we don't have to see adverts every 2 seconds. person 1 posts an advert -> person 2 waits like 15-30 seconds before posting. Keeps channels organised.
  3. Авере вы хуй. 1/10. Северная Корея - Лучшая Корея.
  4. System.out.print("Enter an amount of cents in the range 0 to 100: ");

    Input = scan.nextInt();

    >Enter an amount of cents in the range 0 to 100: FUCKYOUFUCKINGFUCK

    >Exception in thread "main" java.util.InputMismatchException
        at java.util.Scanner.throwFor(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.Scanner.next(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.Scanner.nextInt(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.Scanner.nextInt(Unknown Source)
        at Task5.main(Task5.java:14)

  5. You can do .lookup area QUERY e.g. lookup area Neltharion's Lair. Once you have the area ID you can do .zoneport 10,10 AREAID Then you just gotta fly around and figure out where the starting position is. Just this once, I've found it for you. .world 2935.22 1156.33 102.234 1458 1.33
  6. Do they all work on Epsilon? I'll go through the list and format them into something Deramyr can pop directly in. You can do it if you really want, but I don't mind either way. Deramyr's format is: ("Teleport name", MAPID, X, Y, Z, ORIENTATION), INSERT INTO `game_tele` (`name`, `map`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `orientation`) VALUES ("Legion Dungeon", 1470, 2104.445, 4624.86, 281.226, 0), ("Old Zul'Gurub", 309, -11916.300, -1264.79, 90.599, 4.712), ("Quel'Thalas Flat", 0, 3599.21, -2244.98, 131.408, 5.23), ("Ghostlands Flat", 530, 5375.1, -7371.72, 0.000015, 3.174), ("Hellfire Flat", 1448, 5429.85, -2864.35, 8.559, 0.064), ("Hellfire Flat2", 1448, 5025, -3124, 8.56, 4.126), ("Scarlet Flat", 1001, 657.948, 465, 0, 4.351), ("Burning Nether Flat", 1451, 5060, -1307, 60.004, 5.641), ("Blackwing Lair Flat", 469, -7483, -260, 170.517, 2.389), ("Well of Eternity Flat", 939, 2261.6, -4610.93, 33.518, 0.429), ("Stormstout Flat", 961, -2377, 1263, 0.001, 4.823), ("Shado-Pan Flat", 959, 3923.05, 1813.8, 904.334, 1.139), ("Alterac Valley Flat", 30, 467.594, 373.474, 139.185, 5.932), ("Arathi Basin Flat", 529, 306.22, 1664.33, 143.128, 1.645), ("Zul'Farrak Flat", 209, 761.441, 472.932, 13.126, 5.104), ("Stranglethorn Flat", 0, -12639.911, -2208.066, 55.342, 2.071), ("Zul'Aman Flat", 568, 436.884, 2333.672, 0.001, 5.516), ("Snowy Flat", 602, 2260, 172, -495.12, 0.212), ("Deadmines Flat", 36, -528.711, -393.272, 357.808, 3.386), ("Arathi Basin Snow Flat", 1681, 306.224, 1664.33, 143.128, 1.645), ("Magisters Flat", 585, -1864.593, -1802.318, -132.982, 2.821), ("Deepholm Flat", 646, 2980, -429, 344.68, 0);
  7. The MAP ID is incorrect. Try .world 568.33 632 380 1134 1.66
  8. Thanks David, I'll pop it into a format we can give straight to Deramyr, and append your additions to the main post.
  9. Hey, fixed the Gnomeregan coords and added a bunch of suggested locations. I don't know any pre cata locations, but I'll do my best to hunt them down. Thank you
  10. Tools Liftfile - For Casc explorer etc. Basically this includes a bunch of things like: Casc Explorer for browsing the game files. Use with Listfile.txt you can download from that github repository. Blender - to edit models. Blender import/export plugins. 010editor - to hex edit if you need to. hex templates - so you can see what to change. M2mod - to convert m2 to m2i, which can then be imported into Blender, and from m2i to m2 to place in wow. This is a basic overview of what you need to do for your basic stuff Start with Casc explorer, find what you want and extract it. Open up m2mod and convert the m2 to m2i. Open up Blender, import m2i and make changes - do whatever you need. Export as m2i from Blender. Change to import section on m2mod, use original m2, use changed m2i and choose where you'd like your altered model m2 to be placed. Preload > Go! If it fucks up, you likely need to go back into blender and rename meshes. Once you have your model, navigate to World of Warcraft directory and create the filepaths so that it is the same as what you extracted it from casc with. e.g. Model was found in character/draenei/male -> create that folder path in your root world of warcraft directory, and put your edited models there. For textures, a program like Photoshop or GIMP, convert blp to png and then open up textures there. Or just map it to model using imported png and putting it into blender that way. thats a crash course in it, if you need help just send me a pm on discord or on these forums.
  11. Sorry in advance as this contains anecdotal information. Most of these things happened between guilds. I can recall from Divinity a guild called Darkshire, who was basically just that - Darkshire, and another guild that was located near their premises: the Order of Mysteries. There were events that were made in which players from both of these guilds worked together to achieve an end goal. It worked pretty well for a time. If you're expecting a massive overhaul that players MUST abide by, it won't happen. Those initiatives never work. Instead, try testing the waters and if players enjoy it, great! It could blossom into something wonderful. At the end of the day, players will go where their friends are, and wherever the rp is at.
  12. Gardener


    Try deleting your cache folder located in your root Epsilon (World of Warcraft) directory. Games will crash regardless of your hardware specs. Framerate drops are likely due to someone spamming spells or your game trying to load a lot in a short span of time. Which can be detrimental to your fps.
  13. Thanks for that, I had both written down when I made the last few edits to what I'm giving Deramyr and all that, i must have misplaced it. It's been edited now to reflect this correct change.
  14. Gardener


    I'll have to have a look. But they certainly exist. It's just a matter of tracking them down.
  15. I just started with instances, as they are missing. Now that they are done I'll be looking into doing some other places and eventually nice flat spots to build in. Am still missing a few, but will find more locations along the way. Thanks!
  16. Gardener


    Just find the teleports or worldports for them and make separate phases for them, or use a single phase. They're all on different maps, so go nuts.
  17. I know, It's just that I have nothing better to do, and by doing this I can save players a bunch of time. Thanks Erandur! I'll pop those in and convert them to the format Deramyr wants so these can be added in as teles. Respect!
  18. Big thanks to Layet for Blood in the Snow, Erandur for saving me a bunch of time with Draenor raids and Legion dungeons and raids, and of course, Blizzard Entertainment for a nice game. Order Halls Hall of the Guardian - Mage: .world -944 4707 928.97 1513 6.201 Mardum, the Shattered Abyss - Demon Hunter: .world 1650 1414 243.5 1481 3.12 Netherlight Temple - Priest: .world 1234 1344 185.08 1512 0.03 Skyhold - Warrior: .world 1028 7225 100 1479 The Dreamgrove - Druid: .world 3777 7142 22.91 1220 0.44 The Heart of Azeroth - Shaman: .world 960 1086 17.1 1469 4.8 The Wandering Isle - Monk: .world 940 3567 193 1514 Trueshot Lodge - Hunter: .world 4574 5241 860 1220 Dreadscar Rift - Warlock: .world 3096 983 257.38 1107 0 Acherus - Death Knight: .world -1504.5 1056.3 260.39 1220 4.13 Light's Hope Chapel - Paladin: .world 2369 -5353 52 0 5.51 Chamber of Shadows - Rogue: .world -934 4431 707 1220 Scenarios Brewing Storm: .world 2204 -1259 431.68 1005 0.77 A Little Patience: .world -1715 1053 29.5 1104 Arena of Annihilation: .world 3678 547 639.69 1031 Assault on Zan'vess: .world -681 4384 186 1050 Battle on the High Seas: .world 2346 -4137 14.47 1099 Blood in the Snow (Thanks Layet), you are a lifesaver: .world -5232 -625 419.8 1130 1.77 Brewmoon Festival: .world 1907 503 483.63 1051 4.197 Celestial Tournament: .world -433 -4604 2.58 1161 3.48 Crypt of Forgotten Kings: .world 903 2353 97.56 1030 3.133 Dagger in the Dark: 480 -73 177.99 1095 0.011 Dark Heart of Pandaria: .world 1043 685 389.83 1144 1.42 Domination Point (H): .world -2232 2574 7.77 1102 5.87 Greenstone Village: .world 2009 -2028 220.3 1024 Lion's Landing: .world -1218 -1064 5.144 1103 5.27 Malorne's Nightmare: .world 4955 -1865 1466.14 1608 5.18 The Road to Fel: The Secrets of Ragefire: .world 1540 1046 39.45 1131 4.62 Theramore's Fall (A): .world -3785 -4126 3.77 1000 4.69 Theramore's Fall (H): .world -3600 -4326 8.71 999 3.78 Unga Ingoo: .world -2992 902 5.899 1048 5.54 Lost Glacier: .world 2910 -262 1.66 1738 0.34 Lost Isles: .world 2361 2323 1 648 3.65 Priest Mount (Lightless Cavern): .world 1136 23 -208 1580 4.3 The Black Rose (Alliance Stormheim Scenrio) .world 4725 2932 7.86 1475 Demon Hunter Mount (Felwing Ledge): .world 1732 2321 -85 -2.73 2.6 Hunter Mount (Fields of Eternal Night): .world 1728 3200 2364 641.12 2.65 The Oculus: .world 1065 1051 602 1623 0 Classic Dungeons Blackfathom Deeps: .world -694 -43 -30 48 1.57 Blackrock Depths: .world 456 34 -69.56 230 4.712 Blackrock Spire: .world 120 -320 70.953 1358 Dire Maul: .world -66 160 -3.465 429 2.356 Gnomeregan: .world -328 -3.3 -152.84 90 2.86 Mauraudon: .world 27 47 -126.188 349 4.866 Ragefire Chasm: .world 0.77 -12 -16 389 4.681 Razorfen Downs: .world 2593 1111 50.952 129 4.712 Razorfen Kraul: .world 1943.223 1547 82.244 47 1.501 Shadowfang Keep: .world -229 2109 76.89 33 1.267 Stratholme: .world 1948 1284 145.66 595 The Deadmines: .world -16 -383 61.78 36 2.526 The Stockade: .world 62 0.477 -21.327 34 The Temple of Atal'Hakkar: .world -321 99 -131.849 109 3.19 Uldaman: .world -228 46 -46.019 70 1.571 Wailing Caverns: .world -153 129 -75.181 43 Zul'Farrak: .world 1215 841 8.963 209 6.2 Classic Raids Blackwing Lair: .world -7665 -1102 399 469 0.63 Molten Core: .world 1087 -470 -106.722 409 4.03 Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj: .world -8437 1519 31.907 509 2.618 Temple of Ahn'Qiraj: .world -8217 2018 129.017 531 0.85 Burning Crusade Dungeons Auchenai Crypts: .world -15 -0.071 -0.121 558 Hellfire Ramparts: .world -1351 1646 68.508 543 0.784 Magisters' Terrace: .world 7.524 0 -2.799 585 Mana-Tombs: .world -4 1 -0.954 557 3.142 Old Hillsbrad Foothills: .world 2387 1195 67.503 560 4.155 Sethekk Halls: .world 5 0 0.006 556 0.035 Shadow Labyrinth: .world -7 0 -1.128 555 3.142 The Arcatraz: .world 8 0 -0.205 552 The Black Morass: .world -1611 7107 30.191 269 3.226 The Blood Furnace: .world -3 10 -44.651 542 4.828 The Botanica: .world 40 -28 -1.117 553 2.356 The Mechanar: .world -26 0 -1.812 554 The Shattered Halls: .world -39 -16 -14.035 540 0.969 The Slave Pens: .world 122 -118 -0.310 547 1.687 The Steamvault: .world 0.376 3 -4.089 545 4.467 The Underbog: .world 9 -16 -2.753 546 5.622 Burning Crusade Raids Black Temple: .world 96 1002 -86.998 564 6.267 Gruul's Lair: .world 62 35 -3.984 565 1.418 Hyjal Summit: .world 5066 -1791 1321.055 534 2.356 Karazhan: .world -11091 -1992 49.816 532 0.952 Magtheridon's Lair: .world 190 3 67.965 544 3.158 Serpentshrine Cavern: .world 9 0 822.373 548 Sunwell Plateau: .world 1784 924 15.581 580 3.518 The Eye: .world 2 0 -2.428 550 Wrath of the Lich King Dungeons Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom: world 335 -1108 68.513 619 0.646 Azjol-Nerub: .world 411 794 831.323 601 5.498 Drak'Tharon Keep: .world -517 -489 11.018 600 4.782 Gundrak: .world 1880 853 176.696 604 3.142 Halls of Lightning: .world 1331 241 52.505 602 4.712 Halls of Reflection: .world 5551 2261 733.012 668 0.823 Halls of Stone: .world 1153 809 195.835 599 4.712 Pit of Saron: .world 1153 809 195 599 4.712 The Culling of Stratholme: .world 1434 548 35.926 595 5.325 The Forge of Souls: .world 4921 2177 638.733 632 2.059 The Nexus: .world 163 -5 -16.637 576 0.013 The Oculus: .world 1056 986 361.07 578 5.899 The Violet Hold: .world 1808 803 44.365 608 Trial of the Champion: .world 801 618 412.393 650 3.176 Utgarde Keep: .world 161 -83 12.552 574 0.292 Utgarde Pinnacle: .world 580 -327 110.141 575 3.142 Wrath of the Lich King Raids Icecrown Citadel: .world 69 2211 30.116 631 3.142 Naxxramas: .world 3005 -3434 304.195 533 0.999 Onyxia's Lair: .world 29 -71 -7.983 249 4.436 The Eye of Eternity: .world 13587 13611 122.419 967 3.173 The Obsidian Sanctum: .world 3228 397 63.133 615 1.501 The Ruby Sanctum: .world 3145 529 72.889 724 4.592 Trial of the Crusader: .world 588 139 395.116 649 0.008 Ulduar: .world 568 139 395.881 649 Vault of Archavon: .world -507 -103 157 624 Cataclysm Dungeons Blackrock Caverns: .world 209 1128 205.569 645 4.677 End Time: .world 3717 -385 112.192 938 2.135 Grim Batol: .world -623 -191 272.029 670 4.954 Halls of Origination: .world -954 472 51.965 644 1.571 Hour of Twilight: .world 4927 315 100.157 940 4.712 Lost City of the Tol'vir: .world -10723 -1320 17.350 755 3.456 The Stonecore: .world 851 986 317.266 725 The Vortex Pinnacle: .world -337 15 626.979 657 3.892 Throne of the Tides: .world -622 807 245.944 643 Well of Eternity: .world 3235 -4995 194.093 939 2.356 Zul'Aman: .world 120 1759 42.744 568 4.712 Zul'Gurub: .world -11916 -1259 92.304 859 4.708 Cataclysm Raids Baradin Hold: .world 158 1337 170.192 757 Blackwing Descent: .world -345 -226 193.121 669 Dragon Soul: .world -2426 -2364 84.316 967 6.083 Firelands: .world -537 314 115.499 720 5.968 The Bastion of Twilight: .world -561 -531 890.593 671 Throne of the Four Winds: .world -266 815 116.301 754 5.364 Pandaria Dungeons Gate of the Setting Sun: .world 721 2111 402.953 962 1.596 Mogu'Shan Palace: .world -3968 -2546 26.774 994 4.666 Shado-pan Monastery: .world 3675 2560 766.975 959 0.477 Siege of Niuzao Temple: .world 1459 5105 153.107 1101 0.96 Stormstout Brewery: .world -735 1279 116.108 961 1.855 Temple of the Jade Serpent: .world 948 -2502 180.609 960 4.392 Pandaria Raids Heart of Fear: .world -2373 460 422.341 1009 6.282 Mogu'shan Vaults: .world 3861 1045 490.073 1008 6.247 Siege of Orgrimmar (Pandaria Zone): .world 1441.2 340 289 1136 1.58 Siege of Orgrimmar (Orgrimmar): .world 1363 -4372 26 1136 0.11 Terrace of Endless Spring: .world -1020 -3049 12.824 996 1.514 Throne of Thunder: .world 5891 6603 105.91 1098 4.67 Draenor Dungeons Auchindoun: .world 1521 2953 35.239 1182 6.276 Bloodmaul Slag Mines: .world 1832 -244 255.412 1175 0.68 Grimrail Depot: .world 1737 1681 7.675 1208 3.153 Iron Docks: .world 6771 -575 4.927 1195 5.55 Shadowmoon Burial Grounds: .world 1719 239 324.535 1176 5.541 Skyreach: .world 1231 1743 177.165 1209 0.748 The Everbloom: .world 429 1327 125.017 1279 0.645 Upper Blackrock Spire: .world 127 -318 70.956 1358 Draenor Raids Hellfire Citadel: .world 3970.02 -735.247 33.65 1448 1.72 Hellfire Citadel (Grommash's Torment): .world 4041.7 2544.78 210.80 1448 4.73 Hellfire Citadel (Mannoroth Zone): .world -2999.83 -291.82 606.23 1448 0.01 Hellfire Citadel (Black Gate): .world 4052.05 -2134.82 51.14 1448 4.78 Hellfire Citadel (Killrogg's Death Vision Zone SW): .world 3766.33 -220.90 -3.23 1448 1.59 Hellfire Citadel (Killrogg's Death Vision Zone UC): .world 3765.18 -136.67 1.804 1448 1.499 Highmaul: .world 3486 7603 10.0508 1228 4.075 Blackrock Foundry: .world 145 3429 319.829 1205 Legion Dungeons Black Rook Hold: .world 3086 6295 103.52 1501 0.93 Cathedral of Eternal Night: .world -525 2454 252 1677 1.42 Darkheart Thicket: .world 3248.21 1830 236.9 1466 3.3 Eye of Azshara: .world -3913.98 4541 86.54 1456 5.86 Halls of Valor: .world 3201 2897 641.17 1477 2.83 Maw of Souls: .world 7186.82 7319.46 23.50 1492 6.18 Return to Karazhan (Entrance): .world -11090.8 -1987.5 49.75 1651 0.68 Return to Karazhan (Guardian's Library): .world -4599 -2518 2876.5 1651 0 Return to Karazhan (Normal Guardian's Library): .world 4144.82 -2059.10 727.17 1651 4.68 The Arcway: .world 3557 4804 590.26 1516 3.1 Vault of the Wardens: .world 4177 -821 294.56 1493 1.08 Violet Hold: .world 4574 4015 83.64 1544 6.25 Legion Raids Emerald Nightmare - Twililght Grove: .world -2966 1340 43.92 1520 0.07 Emerald Nightmare - Dream Bough: .world -4047 149 53.05 1520 2.72 Emerald Nightmare - Seradane: .world 1423 2520 110.88 1520 3.44 Trial of Valor: .world 231 855 20.17 1648 5.23 The Nighthold: .world 558 3411 109.56 1530 4.1
  19. Gardener

    Rate your Mogit's!

    Generic soldier. I don't know what to rate Sorrow, as they don't have a set but they'll get a gold star for trying.
  20. Welcome to Epsilon, Fairenn! It's nice to see you again. Hope you've settled in nicely, if you ever need assistance with anything please feel free to chuck me a message. Lots of love, from grandpa
  21. See that red book? That book could become the BOOK OF MORMON WORDS. What I mean, is a book that players can click on to read up how to use basic commands. I know we usually tell them to just do .commands and leave them to their own devices, but an actual in depth in-game resource people can use if they're brand new and have no idea of how anything works. To make this even easier, we could gauge the community, and each write different sections to go in it, to further unify us all. Now ain't that a fancy idea? The proposed book could have a handful of sections: Introduction Introduce the server, state what stage of development it is in, and welcome $playername or $race to Epsilon. Basic Commands Basic commands could be a category with child categories: Announce - So if players get stuck on something, they can ask for assistance. .toggle announce, toggle guildannounce, toggle eventannounce. Modify: Modify speed, modify scale and modify are the essential commands from this category. Modify standstate is worth mentioning too, as it allows players to pose etc. Cheat: cheat fly on, cheat god, cheat barber, cheat mailbox, cheat tabard - Some of these are essential for exploring, and for customization further along down the track. Phase create, phase enter #, phase exit. .appear PLAYER - So if they have friends on Epsilon, or are quick to make friends, they can easily join them. .lookup could go here, or have it's own section as it's such a massive command that can be used in certain ways to make the most out of what you search for. .add ID or shift click item link, .learn ID or shift click spell link, and .cast. ?The Lookup command? It's such a useful feature it does deserve its own section. It could be split into a few pages or sections based on their importance to new players. Lookup item Lookup spell Lookup object Lookup creature Lookup skybox Lookup tele. Advanced Commands Advanced commands could constitute commands that comprise of building, setting skyboxes and doing other cool features that have been advertised as Epsilon having as capable things to do. .guild create "GUILDNAME" .gobject, .gobject select, .gobject delete, .gobject go, .gobject move, .gobject scale, .gobject info. .gobject pitch, .gobject roll, gobject rotate, .gobject turn, .gobject near. .gobject copy, .gobject teleporter, .gobject zcopy. .npc spawn, .npc delete, .npc move, npc follow, npc scale, .npc evade .npc say, .npc textemote. Tell me what you think below, and together we can probably make something that's easy to read, easy to follow and easy to please
  22. Cool guide. I'm gonna make a death knight who died in strath and was raised by cult of the damned shitters and now he just feels a compounding glimmer of guilt that makes him want to kill himself but then again he believes that he is unworthy of ending himself because in his eyes he must redeem himself for his actions and now he just follows ebon blade on broken shore and wants to make things right again. hows this am i billy?