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Everything posted by TheDemon

  1. I never said it's not a decent summary of some basic information about worgen. However as a guide on to "HOW TO ROLEPLAY" it offers close to no advice.
  2. TheDemon


    Greetings You can trust Insomnia, everything he says is true.
  3. The transformation from worgen to human is almost instant, a few seconds. I assume from human to worgen it would be the same P.S. This guide has many mistakes in it, not really worth reading.
  4. Thanks, that helped. Now I can actually get my hands on these beauties.
  5. Meh. Would you considered to at least write us which items this thing replaces?
  6. TheDemon

    Mounted NPCs

    Ah Like mounted custom NPC? In that case I am afraid I can not help.
  7. TheDemon

    Mounted NPCs

    From what I know and tried yes. And since the mount is part of the NPC model, there should be no problem even with those I've not tried.
  8. That means the model is missing. Submit it on buglist, or however that place is called.
  9. +1 just for being CK fan. And another +1 for this being good.
  10. For one Titans are very weak, they can barely hold Sargeras. Yes Illidan could damage Sargeras (not defeat him by far), but that is not the reason he is there. This was his goal for past 10000 years - bring down Sargeras and honestly he has little purpose without him. Also another thing: Since pantheon is fully focused on jailing Sargie, Illidan may be there to protect them from the armies of demons who could come and try to rescue their beloved master. Also since the Titans are in weakened state Void may show up. For fucks sake Sarges is not dead. He will come back right after we are done killing ourselves and Void fucks us over.
  11. A decently done Panda, who is not just about chill, eating and drinking green tea? That I appreciate.
  12. TheDemon


    Well there are addons which let you create books. But having this feature directly in game working for everyone? That would be so good.
  13. It's still best there is. Just plan out the npc's you want beforehand.
  14. It doesn't work on RPH, it messes every single command that uses player name, also whispers, invites,...
  15. Spaced names are the worst fucking idea ever. It just fucks up everything. That's why we have thing called TRP, so we don't need to use something so idiotic and stupid think like that, WoW wasn't made for this.
  16. Yes it is an option to lower the graphics. But it is kind of very annoying lowering them whenever someone decides to morph into animated skyscraper. If you want to do that, you can do so in your own phase and not ruin the game for others.
  17. Yes, it is because people like you were lagging the spawn whit morphing into oversized deathwings.
  18. Hello boring friend. Me to do love boring antisocial things like RP and sciences. And yes of course you can keep backstory from other server (as much as timeline allows it) I progressively RP the same character since Wrath (well actually since one pre WC3 server) and never had a problem with it. Character with real deep backstory are always welcomed.