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Everything posted by Beira

  1. Coming at this a bit late, but given these rules only impact Start and the Main Phase, that alone tells you where the issue actually stems from. You're allowed to have your adult content in your TRP and dialogue so long as you stick to your own phase and other phases that permit it. The real issue is simply the continued existence of Start as an OoC lounge rather than just being where new characters start before moving elsewhere. A basic technique in online games is to ensure the starting area is purely that, not a place to be clogged with excess objects and players. In WoW, the main hubs are the major cities, and the starting zones were a good distance from those (particularly without the benefit of speed boosts). But the use of the starting area as the OoC lounge has become common practice on past servers, leading to it clogging up with every person who comes to the server. Az and his cohorts never learned from this mistake, and so allowed the issue to fester here. Even when I see phases that have secured a dedicated clique, members of that clique don't inhabit those phases as a norm, they default back to Start. So rather than impose rules that demand people actually attempt to roleplay, it's apparently easier to play Thought Police and ensure kids aren't exposed to things they already immerse themselves in. Especially since I'm sure the bulk of the offenders who necessitated these rules were underaged players.
  2. It'd actually be handy to add the finger claws to the corresponding "boots" that add the toe claws. Have all the claws in one.
  3. Alleria armor? That brings up some exciting potential. Would there be any potential for Magni's armor, or would that be a nightmare to texture with it being all diamond?
  4. That was early concept art, though, which clearly isn't valid in the end. Still gorgeous and better than the end result, admittedly. Since we're still on the 7.2.5 patch, has anyone cracked it to allow for custom patches yet? I know the 7.3 patch has been, but this server seems content to never bump up to that. If so, I could probably chat with a few WoW patch buddies I knew a couple years back if they'd be willing. Draenei are popular edits among them.
  5. Yeah, you'd have to disconnect the two forms somehow, which would be really nice. Sometimes I want one hairstyle as a human but don't like the ears as a worgen, facial hair has a human vs fur as a worgen, hair/fur color, etc. What's more annoying is the fact that they couldn't make more Worgen options to correlate with all the human options. But I don't really think that's possible. Yet another thing Blizz dropped the ball on.
  6. At this point, I'm surprised Blizz hadn't retconned Sargeras' name to Surtr, or "Surtyr" to go with "Odyn"
  7. You don't need to get butthurt because I jokingly referred to it as "pointless"; I lost some mods and the server didn't go to 7.3 to give us the new content to use, so for a schlub like me, I lost a fun few things and didn't gain anything at all. Ergo, it's pointless to me. If it did go to 7.3, then I'd have fun with the new models, gear, etc. But thanks for the info. So whenever the 7.3 .exe is cracked, we'll be able to use personal mods/patches again? Fun times.
  8. So with the recent update to 7.2.5 2.0, is there anyway to get these mods to work, or has the pointless update stripped us of patches/mods?
  9. "mod stand" is eight letters, and a space; I'm sure I could contract it further, but "anim" is simply four, and attempting just "stand #" prompts the error message "There is no such command". It's a minor thing, but it's really more a sense of logic. How does one arrive at "mod stand" as the command for performing PC animations rather than just "anim"? And I'm really wanting the looping. If I perform an animation, any movement ends it. I'm wanting to be able to keep performing the animation despite moving. Do you even understand how limited macro spaces are, the amount of other macros I make for various purposes, and that I'd need to make a macro for every animation I'd intend to use in RP, and that the point is I'm looking for the command to keep going while I move which a macro wouldn't truly provide?
  10. Firstly, I'd like to suggest that the "mod stand" command should just be changed to "anim" to save us all a bit of typing, but the real point is in making player animations last until cancelled out with the 0 animation. Just as "npc emote X r" makes NPCs perform an animation indefinitely until otherwise changed, it'd be nice if "anim # r" allowed players to perform animations even while moving until they change it or relog.
  11. Beira

    More 7.3 weapons

    Personally, the t21 mage set is rather hideous. Like Blizz revisiting the Kirin Tor set of WotLK and forgot what magi should dress like.
  12. Beira

    More 7.3 weapons

    Druid and Warrior, mostly
  13. I'm gonna take a guess at Az still being on hiatus, and that he's the only person able to fix bugs. So hang tight everyone; we're gonna have to wait until he returns and/or promotes others to assist in bug fixes.
  14. Beira


    I certainly don't condone attacking a person for whatever character concept they may drum up, but most often the only ridicule I find within RP communities is in regards to Warcraft canon RP and how well folks stay within the lines. Most characters are mocked because it seems evident that the person behind the character is not fully aware of the majority of the lore's various facets, and considering how sparse Warcraft lore is in comparison to many other fantasy settings it does come across as a bit inane for someone not to be up-to-date with the lore. And generally when making a character to RP, one should read up on all the relevant information regarding the concept. With WoWpedia, one doesn't even need to play the game to actually know the lore; even those who play the game may be unaware of the lore, either due to not paying attention or the simple fact that Blizz spends more effort in detailing ongoing story content through concurrent novels, comic, manga, etc. than they do through in-game quests (which are often used for bad pop culture references and fart jokes). However, in regards to many minor details which many may overlook due to those details being a brief mention in some ambiguous quest of no real significance or an external medium of written content, this can cause some folks to take those little tidbits to heart and hold it against others to abide by; on the other hand, you may have RPers who emphasize those little footnotes and everyone else laughs at them because either they as a whole may be unaware of it and find it erroneous or they simply think it a superficial fact that shouldn't be paid much mind. You also have many players who may try to avoid RPing what they think is a "stereotype" and want to break the mold, but in truth are merely avoiding an archetype and are joining in on cliche counter-culture stereotypes themselves; e.g. night elf engineers who are "young" (likely still a few decades or centuries old) and "more open-minded" to technology. This is often seen as lazy when they could easily take an archetype and try to build upon it in a consistent manner to revitalize an age-old trope or to showcase it in a different light; e.g. a night elf druid who views pacifism and vegetarianism/veganism as a moot point as many beasts (and some plants) kill and eat meat and nature itself is very chaotic and destructive by default, thus avoiding the typical "hippie" druid concept to bring to light the true essence of nature beyond even Blizz's contradicting assertions of nature being harmonious and tranquil. Other times, a character may give the impression that the player is irreverent, defeating the whole point of putting time aside to play pretend on a private server rather than devote that time to something else that's actually constructive, which may come across as insulting to those who do believe in putting forth a decent amount of effort. Such characters may be blatant wish fulfillment or simply edgelords who are rather bland and overexaggerated in some aspects, some may just seem goofy and careless of the setting altogether; especially when you consider how many in an RP community are viciously defensive of the source material, even if the source material itself is bad in many areas. Hell, even edgelords get annoyed with other edgelords, and call each other out for it. If you wanna see it in action, make a panda (or any other non-elf race, pandas just get the point across more easily) and dress them up like a demon hunter, then hang around in the OoC area, don't even RP it; to any sentient person with a functioning brainstem, this would be mildly amusing, but sadly most folks in RP communities (this one included) are not so sane and will proceed to viciously insult you even though it is simply a social experiment and they obviously fell for it. It literally has already happened on this server, I saw it go down. Demon hunters, at their very core, are a pretty terrible concept, as they capitalize on bad anime cliches, but that's what most kids (who make up the bulk of RP communities) eat up and adore despite the obviously bad and cringy nature of it; mocking that concept sets them off like rabid chihuahuas. On that note, some folks may just attack others for RPing something within the story they personally don't like; whether it's a particular race or class (playable or RPG-based), maybe one of the two main factions or even one of the NPC neutral or enemy factions, or perhaps a more ambiguous concept from the lore. While plenty of folks may adamantly defend Warcraft as a good story, there's likely many aspects of its story that they truly loathe and they only care to play out the small bits here and there they do actually like, thus prompting them to only care for those RPing something in line with their own preferences, and cutting down anyone RPing something they don't like. Not to mention the shifting nature of Warcraft's story - the constant inconsistencies, plot holes, contradictions and retcons - will potentially ruin certain concepts in lore that may have previously been enjoyed. Recently with the 7.3 content and the emphasis being placed on the Army of the Light, lightwielding characters like holy priests and paladins, are seemingly becoming overstated in the story, as the Light is now being attributed as having a more vast array of abilities which might correlate with other classes, such as "light portals/teleporting" and the like; the Light was originally given restrictions in contrast to other powers, like Fel or Void, and suddenly now it can overwhelm those very forces with ease. And there's plenty of other reasons I could list. The sad fact is, there's lots of excuses for people to criticize and cut each other down, you can't avoid it. And honestly, Warcraft is the antithesis of a watertight story; it has plotholes so big not even draenei could fly a city-sized dimensional spaceship through it and never come close to crashing into something. So for those who wish to RP within it, it's a massive challenge trying to tie up all those glaring loose ends to keep the facts straight, because as time goes on, there's less and less concrete "facts" in how any of the fiction works. This can cause some folks to adhere to older lore logic that may have been outdated, or simply shrug and say "anything goes" at this point. Quite literally, the biggest issue in RPing within Warcraft's setting is simply Warcraft's setting. Blizz's writers have no care for tact and nuance, allowing everything to be driven by the "Rule of Cool", despite much of it not actually being cool, it's all simply flashy light shows for every minor action and phallically symbolic weaponry and armor.
  15. Beira

    More 7.3 weapons

    Anyway to implement 7.3 armor? Namely t21?
  16. Agreed. If anything, I'd want more bulk to those ladies to be a more appropriate counterpart to the muscle of the men.
  17. Indeed. I'm also thinking some minor alterations to the face may help; thinner nose, larger lips. That'd undoubtedly improve their visage for most folks.
  18. Why not Zoidberg? Nah, but seriously, I think it'd be more intriguing to embellish upon the aristocracy, or analogous institutions, of the other races. Personally I'm really burned out on humans in fantasy settings, particularly those which just mirror real life. It's too basic a notion, I find. Intriguing, sure, but it really begs to question why a big budget MMO focusing on a time period like the Renaissance hasn't been put into effect for people to play out their realistic historical fiction fantasies. It'd be fascinating to see this expand into other races. I imagine human nobles would deal with foreign nobility and other similar individuals often enough. With all the other races, human nobles may have to contend with those political powers perhaps even more than civil feuds.
  19. And this is why I never could commit to WH40K post-90s. It's all about those damned monkeys too stupid to understand technology that they instead worship it, so they had to remove the awesome space dwarves who did understand tech and could advance it to avoid making hoomans look like the ass-sniffing apes they are.
  20. Beira


    I had this thought myself; the server is so new that most custom lore settings aren't going to be very popular. Namely due to having to scrap much of WC lore to learn new concepts drummed up by a faceless individual. Not to mention a dwarf-centric setting probably won't be too appealing for most, at least within this environment with WC dwarves, who Blizz has allowed to become quite bland, generic and insignificant to the overall story. Dwarf content to use within WoW is woefully limited, and even despite the recent popularity of Norse mythology within the past few years, Blizz has yet again neglected dwarves in that regard for Vrykul. Most folks like the overused pretty/edgy races, whereas dwarves are understated. And many of those who like dwarves portray them as little more than boisterous memes with butchered Scottish accents and the overusage of cinematic Gimli dialogue where everyone is "lad/lass". Well, good luck with your phase. I certainly encourage pvt RP servers to go more a personal route with RP; why most people really care to RP WC lore at this point when it's become so genericized and homogenized is beyond me. Not to mention all the bad soap operatic/anime melodrama and cliches.
  21. So I've heard tell that 7.3 will "break" custom body mods, like the cloak one here. Will that influence this server? I'd assume so, and I'd hate to lose these cloaks so soon.
  22. Beira


    All right, so I've added an inquiry at the top above the summary title as "New: Interest Check"
  23. I deliberately omitted those and stuck only to the PC races, as I felt they were most pertinent.
  24. Beira


    Well, if you wish to make one, by all means. I've yet to really have anyone join in.