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Everything posted by Rae

  1. Rae

    Tales Of Faragen

    Can I be the dragon that's flying over Khazgrodun on the
  2. Rae


    Don’t ask Insomnia about things, he’s gey. On-Topic: Welcome to Epsilon.
  3. Rae


    Welcome to Epsilon.
  4. If I can be that one person that everyone OOCly or ICly (maybe both) hates I will totally make some edgy Blood elf and join
  5. Rae

    Jok Arwent

    Je t’aime MrXJKz ❤️ Anyways welcome.
  6. o///o remember who’s reading these forums, Norshar!!!
  7. Can you do a sassy snap when saying “Too” and “Much” then do jazz hands for “Information” ? On Topic: Ty for working on things people asked for and all that ❤️
  8. Never bothered to ask but are we going to have to mod our scale into being /super/ tiny (aka .1) or would we just remain our normal scales that we had before entering the phase? (If it’s in the post some where I didn’t see it o-o)
  9. That moment when you don’t know what Roblox is and there’s like five people talking about it on Graxton’s profile...

    1. Graxton


      PR AN kE d


    2. Grinch


      Get ppppppppp-pranked. I want to die please send help!

    3. J J
  10. Rae


    Why doesn’t the staff just make a *DUN DUN DUNNNN* Staff Application section on their forums ? They can have the section open when staff is needed or closed when there isn’t any need for new ones. Edit: I just looked at the forums staff section and saw someone with the name “Addie” like who tf r they?
  11. When I read the title I just came here to be a savage but then I read my husbands reply and just thought for a moment with my brain that barely exists and decided not to... But anyways yea I think we should let people be able to test things on the server instead of needing to log RPH or Paragon to do that kinda shiet cuz ain’t nobody got time for that... Allow people to test stuff or just make everyone who wants to / has ss’s of their work to just go to someone with them all and be like “Sup hommie, make me a dev”
  12. I’ll just you know... lurk in your discord if that’s fine and see if I’ll make a char for this. Though this looks nice ❤️
  13. I doubt this was a bug, it was probably deleted on purpose for the sake of the staff not wanting people to view it
  15. I edited, is that better :]?
  16. Welcome to Epsilon. @Insomnia is pre gey and not as fabulous as I am so... I'd be better help (JK I'm shit at helping but if you wanna talk to someone My discord is OMFGJelly#4789) #Fabulous #2Cool4U #ImAmazing #IActuallyHaveNoFriendsPleaseTalkToMe
  17. Rae

    hi im stuck

    I had to have my Mogit undownloaded to actually login.
  18. Hello and Welcome to the forums
  19. Wot... Anyways this sounds interesting