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Everything posted by Romeo

  1. Didn't know the last boss of the universe gets swoshed away by a cyberspace alien ship? Seems like Blizzard really has run out of ideas for this shit game.
  2. bump Rhyme the shit outta ya enemies
  3. Unsure if you mean what I mean, but here's one forge guide for creating units in your phase.
  4. "The hunter is nothing without the hunt." Sorry BITCH, I remember you using this at YOUR ending cinematic. Also, was that Sargeras? Just left the burning immortal god of destruction against a mortal demon hunter to 1v1? fuck blizzard is hilarious
  5. TRP is the extra layer of customization indeed, the pros of TRP is that everyone see all your information but it doesn't damage anything. That extra layer of "customization" can be done easier through TRP which is why it was made in the first place, than spaced names that indeed cause more problems then they cause layers of fun.
  6. Without nihilism?! Hmph!! Always adored dungeoncrawling in any situation so looking forward to have this in the game hope it goes well!
  7. Yes please more fun varieties on the forum. Massive upvote on this, great idea!
  8. Longer horn styles would be appreciated. Certainly helps to make them more alien. But this is a low priority thing from staff so probably has to be done by some player on the server.
  9. shego is better than kim possible

  10. Romeo


    Welcome to the server mate!
  11. what a useful and needed comment! totally meaningful!
  12. ZOMFGS (2) also bump for best phase on the server atm
  13. Romeo

    Epsilon WoW

    blizzard won't shut down anything cause u made a nice fan video of a random private server lol, think blizzard got other things to be concerned about
  14. Romeo

    Hi there !

    Welcome my french dude! If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask me in-game on my character (Glaeweth) or on the forums through a PM
  15. yeah listen to the robot monk he got some good advice
  16. nothing stops me from shredding blood elves
  17. They're probably in there somewhere. Keep searching!
  18. I'd see if glaeweth fits in here. Sounds awesome!