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Everything posted by Romeo

  1. Romeo

    Saurfang's axe

    It's a job well done man. Looks awesome. The original model is also clean as fuck now when I look at it.
  2. They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."

    1. TheDemon


      Of course the evil always prevails. Raids reset every week.

  3. BUMP * Retouched main story. * Added nice soundtrack.
  4. Romeo

    Templar Abilities

    I agree with Dizzy. But if I remember correctly, and if there even was a need to know some templar abilities, I know that they could shape the light into whatever shape they wanted, and so shaped it to weapons and bolts instead of the softness of light that came to priests or fire of a regular paladin. I don't know if it is specifically only light, or if they were tampered with by arcane somehow. But regardless, imagine a templar's capabilities to be able to shape holy bolts, like a mage. I don't know if this statement still stands, as I heard it long ago, years ago even. It may have changed, but I remember them having at least these special powers from that time.
  5. Romeo

    guard armor

    I need that Kul Tiras for TRUE WHITEKNIGHTING paladin armour.
  6. Welcome Jinal. The WoW timeline differs depending on which case you are in, as the server is a general all-gm roleplaying server, it has phases where everything can be done according to the phase owner's design. As such, there isn't any general timeline, instead, there's several, different depending on which phase you join. In phase X, the time may be wotlk, but in another, it's the retail timeline etc etc. Random RP happens, yes. But since everything is 'squeesed' into different phases, you will have to take the first initiative and join one of these big, current rp hotspots (Light's harbour, Ironshore at the moment). There there's usually a huge kingdom taking place full of exciting things to do and within that, there's roleplayers deep into whatever their characters are doing. Random RP is a driving thing, where you can come and go as you please through various phases. Above is Epsilon Command Guide. Plenty of useful answers can be found here regarding your phase creating. This is step II stuff - when you have your phase going you can create your own units (NPCs) inside your custom world and name them, gear them as you please with the guide above.
  7. True peace only comes form true freedom. True peace only comes form true freedom.
  8. Romeo

    Hello! :D

    Welcome Torbjarn! If you got any questions just hit me up with a PM on here and I'll do my best to answer. Hope to see you ingame! Also, general stuff to help you out before you enter the game of roleplay, there's a variety of tools you can use to enchant your experience, and make it better for everyone. First, I believe you already have Total Roleplay 3 installed on your client if you downloaded our client, if that's the case, it is very interesting for other roleplayers if you filled that out, it is like a little cheat sheet for other roleplayers to get to know your character quickly. It has age, occupation, race, and so forth and so forth all in there by default. You can change anything, and make a little profile of your own! Further, there's also the roleplaying gear to be concerned about. While it isn't exactly the only thing that matters, it's certainly a nice feel to know that you are walking around with the sickest gear on the block. Makes me roleplay better anyway. Don't concern yourself with mogit, you're better than this, you can find various internet websites that can help you with gear, few of them are: http://wowmogcompanion.com/content/wow-roleplay-gear - basic RP gears for quick transmogging https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/ - in-depth item-by-item webpage for slower but more cool transmogging https://wow.gamepedia.com/Portal:Main - here you can learn about the lore of dwarves, or anything in world of warcraft (good for RP) You can browse around icy-veins for instance, or just google "plate transmog" or "two handed sword transmog" and icy-veins should be the first option to pop up. This website will show you a megaton of different options, it is very easy to browse and sandwich together a gear that you think will fit your character. That's about it honestly, welcome to the server!
  9. Awesome job man! Thanks REGARDING THIS - .npc aura / .npc unaura - Adds an aura to an NPC. Persists through Restarts. This useful command can be used to mount up certain units in your desired phase. For instance, http://www.wowhead.com/spell=16055/black-nightsaber The spell (not the item) that is cast when mounting up on the black nightsaber, and it's ID, can be found on wowhead if you simply search on google "X mount spell wowhead", and using the ID (here it is 16055) and using it with the .npc aura .npc aura 16055 adds to your selected unit NPC a mount which it now rides. Kind of badass. If you are interested in an in-depth explanation on how to phase forge NPC creatures, check out Nimorrax awesome guide. In no time you'll learn how to create truly an entire new universe for your roleplaying friends to dwell in. I've done it, every phase host with any dignity has done it. You should too!
  10. You'll find the same phasing system as RPH; a lot of players from the old RPH community, and similiar (but renamed) commands as on most GM-servers, including RPH. You'll find yourself straight at home. The only thing different is perhaps that there's no tolerance for being racist, sexist or genuinely retarded. Enjoy your stay and be nice to people and you'll have a hell of a time.
  11. This is actually awesome. Thank you so much. I have longed for this helmet the entire warcraft duration.
  12. Awesome man. Simply awesome.
  13. Lowkey jizzing over that night elf inventory. How do I add these again? Or are these just a little showreel to show how good you are? I'd love if you could help me out.
  14. Very nice. Why the hell didn't the Silverpine Phantoms destroy the trolls thought? Seems like those motherfucking darkspears were cheating.
  15. Romeo


    Welcome Farryn! If you got any questions just hit me up with a PM on here and I'll do my best to answer. Hope to see you ingame! Also, general stuff to help you out before you enter the game of roleplay, there's a variety of tools you can use to enchant your experience, and make it better for everyone. First, I believe you already have Total Roleplay 3 installed on your client if you downloaded our client, if that's the case, it is very interesting for other roleplayers if you filled that out, it is like a little cheat sheet for other roleplayers to get to know your character quickly. It has age, occupation, race, and so forth and so forth all in there by default. You can change anything, and make a little profile of your own! Further, there's also the roleplaying gear to be concerned about. While it isn't exactly the only thing that matters, it's certainly a nice feel to know that you are walking around with the sickest gear on the block. Makes me roleplay better anyway. Don't concern yourself with mogit, you're better than this, you can find various internet websites that can help you with gear, few of them are: http://wowmogcompanion.com/content/wow-roleplay-gear https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/ You can browse around icy-veins for instance, or just google "plate transmog" or "two handed sword transmog" and icy-veins should be the first option to pop up. This website will show you a megaton of different options, it is very easy to browse and sandwich together a gear that you think will fit your character. That's about it honestly, welcome to the server!
  16. you're one of them heroes, aren't you?


    not anymore

    1. TheDemon


      I used to be a hero like you

  17. absolutely massive. i love it. have already made a sheet
  18. Romeo


    240 is the only phase you need.