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Everything posted by Azarchius

  1. Huh? Read the Connecting to the Server guide. Set up Config.WTF, make sure you have tc_bundle, make sure you are using our Epsilon exe, etc.
  2. Azarchius


    Rejected. .phase tele is the same as .tele.
  3. The server is fine. The issue you are presenting is very rarely reported, and is always because you are either mistyping your password, your username, or you haven't verified your email. Please make sure you're logging in using Creakko@epsilonwow.net and that you are typing the password you signed up with. Please bear in mind that the change password feature is currently bugged if you are attempting to login using a new password. Is this a fresh account? Have you ever been able to login?
  4. Can you try resetting your IP address by restarting your router?
  5. Naturally, each individal .group aura you do adds an aura, similarly .group unaura is targetted at an ID, and you'll have a command similar to .list aura.
  6. We are looking to implement the following commands: .group aura/unaura & .phase aura/unaura - they will maintain the aura wherever you are in the phase, and will be properly added to you on joining the phase, and naturally gets removed when leaving. For groups, requires being group leader or having Assist in the raid. .group cast & .phase cast - a one-time cast on everyone in the group or phase. For groups, requires being group leader or having Assist in the raid.
  7. I just meant regarding the strange comment; meant a comment about the entire data folder. Is the Epsilon folder inside Applications?
  8. I replied to your introduction thread with similar suggestions. CMD is cmmand prompt. You just hit the Windows key and R at the same time, then type "cmd" in the box that opens and hit enter, then in the black box that appears you type "ping play.epsilonwow.net" without quotation marks. It should successfully ping our server four times. If it says that the packets were lost, you need to reset your router. If it replies successfully, it means you did not set up your WoW folder correctly.
  9. 1. Make sure Config.WTF has been edited to point to play.epsilonwow.net 2. Make sure tc_bundle.txt is in your WoW directory. 3. Make sure you are using our custom Epsilon executable. 4. Make sure you have a ping to the server. Open CMD, and type ping play.epsilonwow.net
  10. Azarchius

    The !GPS Command

    Like was mentioned, the solution is addons. Number before direction makes no sense and it's also messier to code as in the current method .gps <direction> are actually subcommands so .help gps shows you subcommands.
  11. Disabled vmap based indoor checks. Change should be live.
  12. @Targai @Silcore regarding the folder 'data', please give me a screenshot of your EpsilonWoW directory.
  13. Azarchius


    Hi mate, CASC was undergoing restarts during both time periods you posted. It should be fine now. If you're logging into the game and get suddenly disconnected, that is your internet acting up.
  14. The steps he did are right, except he needs to also do what Razmataz said and disable developer author checks because Epsilon isn't a Mac developer. It's just a quick fiddle with command line.
  15. Get the new client and delete .build.info https://epsilonwow.net/page/connect
  16. You can't even tell what extensions are being downloaded. You're just downloading hashes and packed files. The only files you're downloading are m2, .skin, .blp, .db2 and .wmo. It is flatly impossible for the client to download any extension it does not recognize. It is even incapable of downloading .lua files like I explained earlier.
  17. This is the Blizzard CDN streaming. It's basically overwriting the destination that TinyClient normally downloads from and prioritize our server first. If you browse our website and download our client, I don't comprehend what makes you think CDN streaming is less safe. For the record, CDN streaming is fully managed by the client--meaning that I cannot download some foreign executable and launch it even if I wanted to. Hell, we can't even stream AddOns--we wanted it to but for whatever reason it wasn't able to, we're looking for an alternative solution. Data is downloaded directly into the client and streamed into CASC. All I'm doing is sending fileids and packed CASC files. I don't get what's there to not comprehend. You have no chance of dissecting the content and telling what's "new gobjects" and "new contents" as promised because it's the Blizzard CDN system. Pretending that you have any technical knowledge and that you used it to tell what is "good data" and what is "unknown" data is preposterous. If you had any inkling of it you'd know that all the data that the TinyClient streams (we are effectively in a permanent TinyClient state) is packed and you have no chance of dissecting it live.
  18. We need some more information @nimorrax. Is this still a problem? What are you entering to cause this issue? As AFAIK this hasn't been a bug for a while, but could be this thread is a duplicate of another I already fixed.
  19. No idea why it's picking something up. And the last thing we'd put in that exe is adware lol. Taking that pic down btw since it might scare people. Do throw the real Wow.exe in there; there's no doubt it'll also trigger the same thing as the only change this has from a regular private server client is hardcoding our CDN server.
  20. The TinyClient *does* have the Mac app inside it though. ;p And oh ok. Btw, a standalone exe would also work fine without a tiny client too--the tiny client is there to just get you prepared instantly. Edits to Config.WTF, tc_bundle.txt, etc.
  21. Lmao sorry 1. Fixed 2. No idea how to circumvent this. Wonder if @Razmataz has any idea. 3. The App is supposed to be placed inside an existing WoW folder. If you don't have an Epsilon folder yet, the TinyClient still applies, the Mac app is inside it, you're not supposed to download the Mac app standalone. I take it the clarity of the instructions wasn't good enough, or was this just testing on your part? 4. Oh, again, the Mac app is the same as an exe. If you need a TinyClient, download the actual TinyClient, similarly to how if you need a client you wouldn't download the Windows exe. Were the instructions unclear or were you just testing it?
  22. I am happy to the announce the release of the EpsilonWoW Megapatch. Please note that in 10 minutes, EpsilonWoW will restart and will be updated to Patch Please redownload the relevant client files from the Connecting to the Server Guide. In addition, I am very pleased to announce that we now support Mac! Mac users can now download the app from the Connecting to the Server guide. On another note, please delete your DBFilesClient folder--it is no longer required. We are now streaming our DB2 files directly into your client. And finally, we have just inserted into the WoW core 10,672 new GameObjects, among them nearly 8,000 tiles, over 2,000 WMOs without doodads in them, and several hundred water tile objects that you can also swim in! Thank you so much to Barncastle for letting us use his program which has made all this possible, thank you so much to Michael who has tirelessly worked on these 10,672 new objects, and I won't thank myself for all the work I did because that'd be just awkward. CASC has been broken. We will now add files, and we will massively expand the development team. Some people have already been handpicked a while back, some have been notified that they're now on the shortlist, and anyone else we may have missed is free to send us a DM with their qualifications. Rock on, EpsilonWoW!