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System Admin
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Everything posted by Azarchius

  1. Fixed a long time ago.
  2. Azarchius

    ".go info"

    Cannot replicate. .go info works fine for me.
  3. Azarchius

    Missing Models

    Please confirm if fixed.
  4. Azarchius

    Cheat Barber

    Was a misplaced DBC. Fixed earlier.
  5. Cannot replicate. Please provide the details to replicate the phenomenon as it seems very weird.
  6. Azarchius


    Not a bug. Go to https://forums.epsilonwow.net/forum/23-like-clockwork/
  7. Not a bug. Go for tech support as it's only on your end.
  8. Azarchius

    .ph systemban

    Would require a great deal of effort that is not worth it. Should our playerbase grow substantially to the point where banned users will have no alternative but to ban evade on Epsilon itself, we will find a way to do so, and we may or may not allow the phases to utilize it.
  9. Fixed a few days ago.
  10. Azarchius

    Phase Changeowner

    Lol. Fixed for the next hotfix.
  11. Azarchius

    .npc go

    What, as in, the selected creature? Sure, why not.
  12. Doesn't happen to me. Must've fixed it with my overhauls. Can you confirm this is no longer the case?
  13. Both commands require you to be a phase officer to change the fly/morph of others. Are you sure this is being done by someone who isn't one?
  14. Yeah, fixed it yesterday or the day before. Sorry about that, haha.
  15. .demorph and .morph can be used by others, but only by phase officers. If you were getting demorphed, it was by someone with the privs of an officer in the phase you were in. I will add output to show exactly who morphs you and who demorphs you.
  16. This is after rotation. I regret this is due to a duplication bug. It will be fixed very soon.
  17. Azarchius

    The "|" Bug

    Filter has been disabled. You will no longer be kicked.