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Everything posted by Insomnia

  1. So many trees...Trees..TREES? On a more serious note, I am looking forward to it. I can't wait to play my Vigilante.
  2. Insomnia

    Hey Yall

    Welcome to the server, if you ever need help just let me know. Or ingame, my name is "Insomnia" just send me a message! Hope you have a great time here on Epsilon.
  3. You see, I WOULD post art. But I'm a talentless reject who shall never have any because I haven't the money, nor the ability to do so!
  4. Wasn't Katie banned tho?

    1. Matt
    2. Scarlet


      Unlike RPH I Think Epsilon offers banned players access to the forums for things like appeals. She's likely still banned, just not on the forums

    3. Void


      Scarlet's right in a sense but when you're banned your forum account is supposed to be as well. Idk why her's isn't, but the banned rank doesn't keep you from accessing it, you can only view the ban appeals section.

  5. Raven definitely seems like a chaotic neutral, in my opinion.
  6. Listen up, your art is fucking beautiful. I would pay for this, so much. Unfortunately, I'm a bum and can't afford to! But there's no shame in accepting cash for work. This is far better than I could ever do or hope for. Seriously, don't be ashamed in taking money. I love the style, and everything about it.
  7. Hello to whom ever may be reading this, but I am just writing down some bits and bobs I think would be nice to have on the server. More Meshes: I think it would be nice to have more 3D meshes on the character model, for example the new 7.3 Legion belts and pouches. Perhaps on the chest, arms, legs, belt, ect. This helps with character diversity and making no two characters look the same. --Of course, this isn't a priority. Phase Management System: Though I have been reassured in past that this is coming, I have to reitterate how important it is to the server's survival. What we have currently "Works", but it doesn't thrive. We need the ability to randomly log on and do ".rp list" and see who is hosting. .App and .summon fix: This needs to be fixed, when someone .apps or .summon across phases, it will put you into an infinite loading screen. I have a method of fixing this. Simply do as RPH and I believe Divinity X did it. When you try to app cross phase, make it no work and say what phase they're in instead. If the phase is locked, make it so they can't enter. Problem solved. More Cloaks and Standard Weapons: I know this isn't very important either, but I think we should have more options for normal looking weapons and cloaks. For example, I know Mordred's cloaks are coming and I know that the RPH cloaks coming is a rumor going around. But I think that something akin to Mordred's weapon patch being added would be nice. And more cloaks for options is always nice. This is just a few examples of what I think the server should get, if I think anything else up I will write more down. Hope this gets read, good luck staff!
  8. I adore this idea, and though I haven't even the slightest clue how to do it I support this to the fullest! Another cool suggestion might be new cloaks, though I know we have Mordred's cloaks coming along with the rumored RPH cloaks coming over I think the more options the better! I'm 100% for character diversity and different appearances, if anyone knows how to make it happen please do!
  9. <Holds your coffee mug> "Go! Run like you've never ran before!"
  10. Pawn, I agree. I am curious with what is to come with Raven. The character always interested me, though she was a -bit- edgy with how she was shown in past. Will she end up being a baddy, or a "good" person? I mean, we know she leads bandits, so....
  11. Thanks. I mean, when you think of a "warlock" outside of wow lore what comes to mind? Dark magic. So I mean, why limit yourself? As long as it adds to the character, not overcompinsating.
  12. Of course, I agree. But keep in mind, for a time Medhiv was the Avatar of Sargeras. Even as shitty of a choice it was....
  13. As for chaos bolt, the idea of it is like you said. Except the true concept is a bolt that devours the very matter around it. Of course until it's hunger is sated. The only two shields that can truly stop it is a "Divine shield" or a "Netherward", to my knowledge. Both of which are extremely advanced practices. But for the most part, I agree with you.
  14. Welcome to my guide to warlock roleplay. By no means is this official to the server or to Blizzard’s standards, and this could change as the expansions go on. Another thing to note is that warlock roleplay like many other forms has a lot of room for creative freedom, so you -can- depict certain things differently that you don’t agree with. First and foremost, I will clear up a few misconceptions about warlock lore in general. -Sanctioned/Faction warlocks DO exist. A Warlock CAN be aligned to a faction, as shown in War Crimes, Varian was saved by a warlock. One case being in Tides of War, Varian has been shown knowingly using warlock in his military. Although this by no means justifies you walking around glowing fel energy. The Horde is another case entirely. The Sin’dorei and even Orcs to some extent use fel magic. However, they are looked down upon because of the Orcs and their shamanistic ways. Regardless of affiliation, warlocks are generally kept around for necessity. Even the Black Harvest, an organization created for sharing dark knowledge and in the time of need, slaying the legion is borderline evil simply for the corruptive capabilities of the fel. -Warlock magic is NOT free Warlock magic in general is not limited to fel and voidic magics. The basic concept of a warlock is to get their hands on any dark magics they can. Although for the purposes of this guide, I will tell you the most common types; void (shadow) and fel. Fel and Void (shadow) magic have their ups and downs like any form of magic. Fel magic has an effect moreso on your physical and emotional state, whilst void (shadow) has an effect on your mental state. For example, fel might cause you to bleed from the nose and collapse if too much is used; where void might lead to insanity if overused. The best thing to remember is to ALWAYS think of the downsides to your choices. Warlocks use only what is effective. -Warlocks SHOULDN’T lob advanced spells around like it’s nothing. The basic concept of an advanced spell is exactly that - an advanced spell. Throwing spells around such as chaos bolt or netherward like it’s nothing will get you nothing but poor reception and arguments. Although for someone who knows what they’re doing, it doesn’t require a soulshard and casting time is existent. Some examples of advanced spells are: -Chaos Bolt -Netherward -Curse of Doom -Haunt -And spells along those lines -Warlocks are NOT all frail and weak people. Warlocks are often seen by the roleplay community as weak people physically. This isn’t entirely true and are even shown to be stronger than the average person due to their fel corruption. When roleplaying a warlock, simply remember that things do take practice, and you shouldn’t know everything right off the bat. Now that we have a few misconceptions out of the way, we can begin. First, I think that we should touch basis on the first warlocks and how they began. The first “mortals” to truly start using fel magic were the Eredar when Sargeras came to Argus looking for generals of his Burning Legion. Those who joined him on his path became the Man’ari Eredar, using chaotic magics of fel. Though they were not labeled as “warlocks” yet. The first -true- warlocks were the Orcish shamans on Draenor who began using the fel, the greatest example being Gul’dan himself. From there, the history of warlocks only began to snowball. Another useful bit of information to touch basis on would be the most popular choice of affiliation in warlock roleplay. The Black Harvest: The Black Harvest received the most spotlight in Legion on terms of warlocks at any rate, although it was not created in the Legion expansion. The original council of the Black Harvest was created during the Cataclysm to share dark knowledge amongst themselves. The modern Black Harvest ranks consist of “Initiate”, “Acolyte” and “Invoker”. Although the ranks exist, it doesn’t necessarily mean an invoker has power over an acolyte for example. Using the logic of it being an “organization for knowledge”, one could assume the ranks merely mean who has proven themselves useful and who knows more, etc. -Demon Binding One of the most famous parts of a warlock’s arsenal is demons. Their ability to bind and control a demonic entity is an ability not forgotten by their foes. The art of doing so is not very difficult on paper, but the following must occur: -First, you must create a binding circle. A form of ritual circle that will first pull your demon from the Nether and stop them from leaving. -Second, you must gain the true name of the demon. To have a demon’s true name is to have power over the demon. This can be done through a number of ways such as torture, bribery, etc. -Finally, you must create a contract with the demon, this being the actual binding part of the ritual. Most demons are completely bound to your service after this point, although some demons are exceptions to this rule. For example, Sayaad (Succubus) or Imps have been depicted with the ability to convince or control their masters, showing free will. Ascension to “Demonhood”: It has been shown that warlocks can actually get to a point of being bound to the Nether and become demons, although the problem with demons at their basic core is that they often become affiliated with the Legion. This is depicted as them growing the standard demonic traits. For example: hooves, wings, scales, claws, etc. This concludes my guide to warlock roleplay, if I have missed anything feel free to point it out. If you have any questions about warlock lore or a point I have written down, you may contact me as well. I hope in the future that this guide helps you in combating warlocks or even playing one. Citations: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=27355/a-boon-for-the-powerful https://wow.gamepedia.com/War_Crimes https://wow.gamepedia.com/Fel https://wow.gamepedia.com/Jaina_Proudmoore:_Tides_of_War
  15. Holy shit....They actually did it. Love you people. <3
  16. Insomnia

    So Alleria.

    I think it could be done, and be really cool to be honest. Though I think they wouldn't actually limit it by race, I feel this sort of thing could be much cooler as an order. The type of thing with an inner circle that isn't easy to get into. Sort of like the demon hunters, though in more of a way that they are REALLY hard to find. Somewhat like the Black Harvest how they are secretive and built off necessity. I feel like an underground vibe, removed from factions would be cool as well. Alleria has the potential to run such an order. Though I don't know if Blizzard will do such a thing. It would be badass if they did, but they'd more than likely pull something stupid like Sylvannas lead it. But if Alleria did run it, I mean it would give a lot of room to understand why Sylvanas does what she does. Because by that point, they wouldn't be as different and the mindset of "The ends always justify the means" would make more sense to Alleria. Who knows, that's just my thoughts. I do like the concept, though it would need to be done very carefully. And it would risk another retconn to make it more believable. Other than that I think it's a nice idea.
  17. Insomnia

    New Staff

    Congrats to all of you who have gotten to the Gamemaster rank. I'm sure you'll all do great in the coming days!
  18. Insomnia


    Welcome to Epsilon, if you need anything, you only need ask.
  19. Welcome to EpsilonWoW. It appears you've been enjoying it which is good to hear. I hope you find nothing but fun and excitement in the future coming days. If you ever need anything, you need only ask.
  20. Insomnia


    Welcome to Epsilon. I'd probably be down for some RP. You'll simply have to look out for my (gay) Warlock. Enjoy your stay here.
  21. Hello staff. I know I've bugged you once in the past while, but I am going to inconvenience you again. What is the ETA on a phase management feature? Something along the lines of .Rp list from RPH. It's something that I think we need and have been missing out on. That's all. Thanks.