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Everything posted by Razmataz

  1. @Azarchius you might have to address this with your item generation scripts ?
  2. i've struggled to find a way to fix this ?
  3. i bet. will get to it eventually.
  4. yep, thanks, confirmed. i @'d Azarchius in another thread on this.
  5. People are filtering System Messages out so they won't see server restart timer. can move it to one of the fancy other chat message types I discovered with .command channel
  6. Razmataz

    Class Mount Bugs

    This gets into some fundamental logic about the spells assessing a player condition, and passing in a modifiertree that is pulled from the character specialisation or something. No way we can do this in a nice way. Use .mod mount.
  7. as far as i'm aware, this works. doesn't accept underscores but takes spaces just fine.
  8. will completely migrate phase time to this concept tbh. if people want it stuck at a time they can still use the permanent flag.
  9. haha, great. not much can be done at this point, something we'll have to revisit come shadowlands.
  10. @Azarchius can confirm this. .wordlport -1324 -3050 120 1 .phase shift water adt off
  11. please let us know if this is still broken and i'll check up with azarchius on it.
  12. thanks for this. should be fixed soon. (adafe93) Fix gob replace and gob mass replace causing group desync
  13. at this point, if .phase set skybox gives you trouble, try being more explicit with .phase set skybox ID <oldid><newid> or use spells.
  14. we don't do doodadless adts if they're already doodadless... ?
  15. think i fixed this, it was to do with primary keys in the database preventing the new row from being added.
  16. turns .gob mass vis commands from cylindrical into spherical. GridNotifiers.h if ((!m_uiEntry || go->GetEntry() == m_uiEntry) && m_pObject->IsWithinDist(go, m_fRange, false))
  17. corresponding spell for skyboxes alongside .lookup skybox since that is often times an easier method.
  18. @MindScape, let me know if this is also a problem with my commands / addonmsg output.
  19. I think this is fixed. Sorry for the lack of announcement about it. I applied the fix on the 7th. Please re-open if this is not the case.
  20. Yes, sorry, due to some of the fundamental changes with how phaseshifting / phasemaps worked, I accidentally reintroduced a lot of objects that didn't use to be there. You can remove them with .phase toggle objects (which you have done)
  21. This should be fixed as of 6th May. I see your repost was on the 3rd. Please open a new thread if you continue to experience this on newly created groups / blueprints. (Note that the fix isn't retroactive)
  22. You'd get faster support on this if you raise it in our Discord server under #tech-support. Could you confirm what the build of your WoW is? It should appear in the bottom left of the account login screen.
  23. Hey @Patchworkk Afaik, the flame orbs do not get rendered by other peoples clients, only your own. Unfortunately I addressed this concern in the below thread: I'd rather not poke around in the spell conditions for these, mostly because they're very difficult to decipher.
  24. Razmataz

    .ph tele group

    Rewritten this Phase tele group now only takes argument for where to teleport to. All members in your phase that don't have DM on will be teleported to the location specified. If you don't give argument, teleports everyone to you.