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Everything posted by Razmataz

  1. Dead link : ( I think it's behaving properly now. Nothing weird about my tabards at least.
  2. This doesn't appear to happen anymore, unless you're using blizzlike NPCS, in which case its expected.
  3. Still doesn't work. .char customise advised. We should probably populate the BarberStyle db2 one of these days.... huh?
  4. This got fixed, but no one closed the thread.
  5. Seems like all these guys get deleted instantly. Someone took care of it.
  6. Razmataz

    NPCs and .demorph

    Welp, this is still a thing... Guess I will prevent it from being done on outfit npcs.
  7. Razmataz

    guard armor

    These armours appear to be present for me (now at least). Marking as solved.
  8. Oh! We made object placement a lot more precise, which means the tiny offsets at angles should be resolved. So I'm marking this as fixed. (You may still experience issues at coordinates of >1000, or definitely >10000)
  9. Images are dead but I can't replicate. Think we fixed it somewhen.
  10. Just bumping this, do people think this is something that genuinely needs to be addressed? What with the ability to .tele into them.
  11. There's nothing we can do about this I'm afraid. When not near an appropriate NPC when closing the prompt, it fails to inform the client to remove the tabard.
  12. This only falls apart when you have two handed weapons at play. NPCs can't Titan's Grip. Looks to be a client limitation rather than what the server is sending. Can't do much about it, sorry. But the other issues were solved.
  13. Bump - are people still experiencing this issue or have they moved on? Auto close within a month if no follow ups.
  14. These sorts of things can be dealt with .phase cleartemp. Solving.
  15. ...Oh, this is still a thing. @Azarchius want to do anything about it or no.
  16. Think I'm gonna need a confirm if anyone still experiences this, given that the initial report is in '17.
  17. I don't believe this is happening anymore. Guess we fixed it some point along the lines.
  18. Okay I fixed it after all. I don't like it but I don't want to put even more mem stress on the server.
  19. There's actually no straight forward way to do this in code. https://wow.tools/dbc/?dbc=itemmodifiedappearance&build= The item is by default using a ItemAppearanceModifierID of 6 , and none of this is communicated to the client. Anyway, HandleItemDisplay needs to be addressed to maybe fixing this.
  20. Probably needs me to prevent the ZoneWeather packet being sent if the player is already experiencing that weather...
  21. This should be fixed now! Spam me in discodr if that's not the case.
  22. no. like i said, slash command / addons cannot use the roll function the server provides. they have to communicate from inside their container "hey, this guy rolled this" and that can be hijacked (i.e. you can roll 20/20 every time) besides, i don't like having to install addons to do things like this.
  23. new command: .roll #d## {#d##...} to one-line print all of the roll results. would be nice if we did slash command but that exposes it to player code hijacking the outcome... not saying that we can't fudge the rolls, but i promise you we won't change the rng from baseline trinitycore!