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  1. I'm sure this has been already suggested (I've been searching, actually), but those are old topics from about 2-3 years ago and I'd like to just check on this, if it's a to-do thing yet, if it's an abandoned task, or whatever: The possibility of giving ??different permissions to each member/officer/anyone in a phase??. Extra: specifically, the possibility of giving ??different permissions to different gobs/grobs for a rank of mem/off in the phase, or a specific character??, etc. And even more, but I think this could be even easier than the above: ??separated permisssions from my other characters in the same account??. If I'm an officer with Blue Wyrd in a ph, I really don't like being automatically officer in the same ph with any other characters of mine (I use to separate my mod characters from my RP characters).
  2. [145016] <The Amethyst Arcana> is now recruiting! Mages, magic users and magical beings are welcome to join our ranks! [Progressive RP] [Housing] [N & Exotics] Welcome! Phase website: https://arcanaamethyst.carrd.co/
  3. It doesn't display description today. You have to enter the addon to easily see, what the current phase description is. Which is kinda bonkers. It displays, Massage of the day phase name and number owner Members in phase object count npc count list type starting location
  4. Welcome to Elysium "Across the seas, forgotten long ago during the sundering of worlds -- a safe haven for all of Azeroth's life. Such is what I have named Elysium." --Raistraza Ever log into Epsilon and wonder what phase to join? Too many, too little? Not what you're looking for? Maybe you just want a stage to DM on -- maybe you just want something akin to world RP like you once had on Retail WoW. Well, that's what we're here to try and emulate! Elysium is a multi-phased, interconnected server on Epsilon that aims to give you a platform to roleplay in! Currently we have three major zones to explore, which can be accessed either through elysium-phases or by simply walking through gateways found throughout the kingdoms. These zones include NPCs, villages, towns, cities and castles! Each zone has its secrets and storylines that you can explore, discover and participate in, if you wish. Our aim is to provide a place for friends to chill out while not being too small -- giving them ample opportunities to play wherever, whenever, and whatever. Not feeling the swampy mood of Evershire? Head over the Plains! Want something creepier to RP in? The Shadow Realm is always waiting for you... Wanna be an exotic race without having to move to an entirely new server? Go for it. Elysium is set to be a mysterious, lost land that splintered off Kalimdor during the Sundering. Elysium follows the same timeline as World of Warcraft, but with certain expansion retcons that help make roleplay less confusing lore-wise and more consistent with the original Warcraft universe. With ancient Tauren, Humans, Dwarves and more -- you're in charge of the lands. Claim a house as your own, make guilds, host events, discover new friends, learn about the history of Elysium, and so much more. We literally have entire kingdoms. Current Administrative Team • @Magicka - Administrator • @Red_dwarf - Administrator • @Tychgen - Moderator • @Pyrrhos - Moderator Accepted Races: Elysium is very lenient on what races you can play. Exotics are encouraged, as well as classic races. We want to accommodate as many people as possible while also trying to keep to the lore of Warcraft. We have a list of playable races that can be found in #playable races. Rules: Elysium is moderated, so there is no need to worry about people harassing you. We have a report-a-player system in place and can always be reached about issues. For a full list of our rules, check out #rules or our Info Hub in-game! There are also greeter NPCs in each of our phases that feature all relevant information. So there is really no excuse for people to say they haven't read them. Elysium is considered a PG 13 to R rated phase in regards to maturity rating. If you are a minor please be aware that people may be partaking in content that is not suitable for your age. Where to Start: First please read all of our rules , then select-a-role . Once you're in, read up on our lore in lore-documents and please consider installing supported-patches ! Themes: [Housing, Pirates, Soldiers, Shops, NPCs, Tribes, Clans, Adventure, Exploration, Castles, Custom Lore, Taverns, Make-Your-Own-Events, Community Participation, Neutral, Alliance, Horde, Dragons, Exotics] https://discord.gg/PyCwMMMb7M
  5. The Voldunai The Voldunai, once a coalition of misfits and scavengers, joining arms against the armies of the Sethrak Empire, now after the fall of Emperor Korthek, have united further, even including the remaining Sethrak whom of which have renounced their loyalties to the fallen Emperor, and the Tortollan, for the future of the wasteland they call their home. ----------- The Voldunai has been running since late 2019, starting as a small settlement of Sethrak and Vulpera in Uldum, called Sethralia, who sought to expand their peoples into the rest of the world of Azeroth. However, during the invasion of N'Zoth, they returned to Vol'dun after their encampment was destroyed by the forces of the Old God. During this time, we made a temporary move to another server, to use Vol'dun. However, given circumstances, we returned to Epsilon and made our adventures in Vol'dun using Uldum as a stand in. The guild has grown massively since, both in players, stories, and phase additions, with 300+ players in the guild and discord. We do have additions to lore to make Vulpera and Sethrak more RPable, to give fuel for more interesting characters and stories, whilst trying to not escape the bounds of what is currently established by Blizzard too much. The guild is, naturally, centered around continuing the story of Vol'dun Post-BfA, our take on a window into what may have happened with it if Blizzard continued that story, yet other races are allowed as well, with the honour system of common sense. We encourage creative freedom, with common sense encouraged as the law of the land. As it stands, the phase is based in Shatterstone Harbour, rebuilt after the Alliance disbanded it after the Fourth War, but the entire phase is open, built, and filled to the brim with NPCs and interactable tidbits. ----------- Features: - Frequent host periods - DMed quests, events, world bosses, and world events! - Survival themes while steering away from being a full-on survival phase. - A welcoming community, striving to be free of judgment, drama, and bigotry. - Player housing within reason, through applications - Player markets, through Officer intervention - A constantly changing and progressive, open world, desert setting, obviously, nestled in Vol'dun. - Ability to acquire pets or mounts through RP or IC vendors. - A resource system. - Fast travel wagons to various destinations. - Shaman, Druid, and Mage class halls. - Joinable factions such as the Shatterstone Guards, the Elemental Circle, the Sethraliss Circle, and the Ministry of Magic. - A player ran council, lead by Chancellor Vathiss and Keeper Vorrik. - An IC historical museum detailing events occurring in Vol'dun since the end of BfA. - Encouraged exploration. - Sand ----------- Other Info - Timeline Info: Our phase exists in the present day timeline (10.0), and sits in a timeline where Talanji deemed Vol'dun its own nation, and retains a very close allyship with it. However, the Zandalari still send their criminals to Vol'dun. - We have a Discord, which is highly reccomended, if not required, due to it containing all the info you need to get started, rules, events, and community! Join it here: https://discord.gg/kDMxMvupct - We have a "living" document, that includes all the homebrew and tidbits we have added to make the worldbuilding feel more alive. Check it out here! Created by myself, Vathiss, and Equilibrium: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NAlzmhlV4DFEe8rR265Rtim0uKstUxd-8_xEyqzZRIo/edit#
  6. Hi everyone! First time posting but by no means new to Epsilon. My name is Sedrian and I'm here to give you a brief rundown of the Mereldar phase in hopes of sparking some interest in finding others to join the development team for Mereldar. What is Mereldar? Set at the starting point of Warcraft 3 where all previous lore remains intact Set in an Alternate Universe where the timeline will differ going forward The main phase is a HD reconstruction of everything north of the Thandol Span, this is where the main story takes place I am currently 1200+ hours into the rebuild so a lot of the work has been done What is needed? Builders/decorators NPC creation and dialogue Loremaster DM's GM's The phase has been built with a great emphasis on precision and detail, something I will look to continue forward. Whilst a master builder is not something that I require, it should be said that quality is important and those looking to join should be open to growth and criticism in order to achieve the best result, every day is a learning day! There are lots of NPC names and dialogues referencing WC3/WoW/other games to create a sense of fun and this will continue forward. What next? Please check out the screenshots attached and if you feel this is something you can commit a bit of time to and would be passionate about a great end product then please message me on Discord: Sedrian#1056 and if you have any questions please post them here so I can answer publicly to save repetition! Thank you! Sedrian
  7. I'd like to suggest the command |phase enter ID Here| be moved to default commands instead of having to be a member as sometimes people are untrustworthy with the member rank also help shine light on the Addon TRP3 Extended with it's execute macro function to be placed into a custom usable item allowing the item to enter the phase at the currently location and then use a phase teleport. This will prevent being teleported to the starting area of that phase resulting in less loading screens. In my opinion I don't see any issues with it becoming a default command and only see a positive outcome. I'd love to hear back from the dev team or anyone that has thoughts about this command possibly being changed :)
  8. For RP purposes, it would be great if we could have like designated areas within a phase where someone is allowed to build/spawn. For example, being able to designate an house and/or around an house by example a plot designated to a 'limited builder' number. At the same time it would be great if those designated plots could as well be handed out by a npc, from which a player needs to talk to, to specify which from available plots they want to build. This would be great to expand 24/7 and/or active RP's/guild RP's. Couple of examples: Town/kingdom RP Design the inside of your home. Design garden/porch etc. Shop keepers designing and updating visual inventory during calm moments Governors (appointees) having bigger build ratio plot or access to all plots in set area ... Guild RP phases Design the inside of your home. Build up defences if getting stationed somewhere Assigning officers to build up outposts with a platoon (as well builders) Inviting other guild to partake in guild wars, build up defences prior to battle Spawning enemy/friendly npc's prior to battle ... Adventure/GM RP Set designated rest locations, upon arrival make rest location more comfy Upon clearing a location/level of enemies, being able to build/spawn Builders RP/Contest Assign plot to builders to either build their location or show off their skills Potential features: Objects whitelist/blacklist NPC's whitelist/blacklist Object/npc build limit Plot License timer option NPC giving out build licence to plots With taken plots being removed or greyed/red out of list Phase officers giving out build/spawn licence to plots Combined plot area section license I'm sure some of you can think as well of even more features and use case for this.
  9. Hi, everyone. I found another interesting bug, specifically when it comes to blacklisting people from Phases. I noticed that if a player no longer has a character name because they delete the character and a second player happens to take the name, that by blacklisting the character name it will blacklist the person that first had the name, and not the player account that currently has the character name.