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Everything posted by MindScape

  1. What do you mean? No separate fields for movement? Can you please explain further? and you have to fill in all the object info fields to move because that’s how it knows how far to move. If you want to use it purely for moving yourself, just put in whatever numbers you want in the Length, Width, Height. There’s also an auto-fill option for when you select an object to auto-fill it with the correct information (m2 objects only).
  2. v7.0.0 (July 29, 2021) NEW: Added Tint & Object Spell Support NEW: Object Group Support (Automatic) NEW: Automatic Dimension Detection for M2's NEW: Auto Update mode for Object Parameters (Will auto fill selected objects ID, Scale, and if it's an M2, the dimensions as well) NEW: Auto Show option - Toggle on to automatically show ObjectMover when you load in NEW: Fade Out option - Toggle on to fade ObjectMover to be less distracting when not in immediate use UPDATED: Scale Object now works with Macro Spawning instead of delayed scale commands (No Delay, No Desync) UPDATED: Scale Object now applies to the selected object when entered UPDATED: Saved Presets can now be deleted directly from the UI (Right-Click in Load Dropdown to delete, no need to use chat commands now) CHANGED: Spawn is now in Object section; Revised Movement button placements CHANGED: Added a "Classic Layout" button in Movement to revert the movement buttons to closer to the original layout REMOVED: Double & Halve checkboxes. You can still use the Double (x2) and Halve (1/2) buttons to change each dimension, or SHIFT-CLICK them to update all dimensions together. Behind the Scenes: Minimap Icon is better and more adaptable to if you use other minimaps / UI's Improved ToolTips & UI Indications when things are disabled Improved Slider Logic Keybindings are sorted into their own category to be easier to find https://github.com/MindScape00/ObjectMover/releases/download/v7.0.0/ObjectMover_7-0-rc2.zip
  3. Yes - we will update either the torrent, or connection guide to note this going forward
  4. The command list can be quite daunting and unfriendly to first time players - totally understandable. I'll see about bringing it up with the team on some more ideas to bring better information to new players. For the quick on your example: We don't really use the actual transmog system here, you just wear the items that you want - so if you have the item IDs, you can use ".add #ID" to add the item to your inventory, and then equip it. There should be no restrictions on items either, so you can equip/wear anything you want. For now, if you do have any questions on how to do things, or for more information, the best bet is to ask in #game-support on the Discord.
  5. This issue was fixed quickly in our launcher, please grab a new version of the launcher from https://media.epsilonwow.net/files/Epsilon.exe The launcher version distributed with the torrent has this issue, and unfortunately since it impacts the update process, is unable to actually update itself to the version that doesn't have the issue.
  6. Updated v6.1.0 (March 21, 2021) Refactored to use new UnitPopupMenu dynamic creation style Removed "ConvenientCommands" section and inserted "QuickPhase" section just above 'Other Options' instead. Fixed Spaced Name Whispering Removed "ConvenientCommands" branding https://github.com/MindScape00/QuickPhase/archive/refs/tags/v6.1.0.zip
  7. Updated to v5.0.0 (March 21, 2021) Refactored to use new UnitPopupMenu dynamic creation style Removed "ConvenientCommands" section and inserted just above 'interact' instead. Removed "ConvenientCommands" branding https://github.com/MindScape00/QuickApp/archive/refs/tags/v5.0.0.zip
  8. Chat History (Persistent Chat) Intro This addon keeps a local history of your chat and then restores it every time you login, so you don't miss out on the last thing said, and don't have to fumble thru another addon menu to find it. It will store the last 500 messages received. The report is printed upon login, so you can scroll up and see what you missed, or what was said. For example: You are mid RP and the server disconnects, or you need to quickly relog - when you log back in, the last 500 lines in your chatbox will be restored. Example: Chats with the 'Note' icon and above the '---- Last message receives ----' are from before relogging, those after are from the current session. Download https://github.com/MindScape00/ChatHistory/archive/ChatHistory-r1.zip Installation Drag the "ChatHistory" folder to your Epsilon/_retail_/Interface/Addons/ folder. Launch the game, and login. In bottom left of Character Select, click "Addons" and then ensure Chat History is enabled. There is no config or commands, it runs automatically. Credits & Permissions This addon is originally created by Vladinator from WoW Interface and all credits go to them for the original addon; this is merely a fork to update it to 8.3 and gear it towards Epsilon. Original Addon: https://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info20287-ChatHistory.html
  9. You can disable the spells in-game using the options menu for the addon. Use /cb command to open the options menu. Change the spell to 0 to disable that but still allow typing indicator to be used.
  10. circular things would be heavy for your client in mass as tiles are often used. Blizzard does well with "circles" by making them more like a hexadecagon and trying to mask it with other shapes & textures. Again, I'm not a model dev, so not sure what I can do but I'll see if I can't pass the ideas onto the team ?
  11. Half-Tiles would be really great. There's a lot of different 'tile' building items I'd love to make if I remembered how these days lol (Half-tiles, stair-tiles, ramp-tiles). In terms of the triangle half-tile, would it be reasonable to just have one side as, i.e., the bottom-right of the texture, and the other side the top-left?
  12. Water puddles would likely be able to be done pretty easily, since it would be representing a liquid just the same as blood. For paths/roads, I think there's an issue with how the texture is stretched that's proving to be a roadblock to making these happen.
  13. From what I recall, WMO's in general aren't rendered when outside your view, but M2's always are, and it's something that's not just a simple change in the client that can be made without altering the actual render pipeline, which would, likely, require the source-code for the client and recompiling it.
  14. Updated https://bit.ly/objmov600a
  15. Updated to v2.2.0 https://bit.ly/chatbub220
  16. When it fails, does it work after a server restart?
  17. no but I can add that. Control key modifier fine? Also aura on self only?
  18. Actually, if you check their sticky post on the top from the mods, they aren't supposed to be removing server ads. They don't actually have a rule for it, it's just that some members there don't like it. I think you can only do it directly in that post tho now, as a comment, instead of a whole separate own post. https://www.reddit.com/r/WoWRolePlay/comments/azs7io/advertize_your_serverguild_here/
  19. Added a new addon, ObjectMeasure - it's brand new, only available on this page. Too lazy to make it it's own topic.
  20. You can edit the files to change the command easily. Just use Notepad++ and then replace all "phase play" to "phase music" and good to go
  21. I'm unsure exactly what your problem is, as clicking Up or Down or any button for myself doesn't block you using commands after at all.
  22. They're being worked on to re-integrate into the server patch. New character model file format changes in the latest patches have made it harder to reintroduce them quickly and without causing problems later.
  23. Updated! New Features, Finally fixed that bug of it casting on other people if you're an officer (Sorry, I thought I released the fix to that like a year ago.. my bad) http://bit.ly/chatbub210