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Everything posted by Razmataz

  1. Could you give an example gameobject group / blueprint that you used to reproduce this bug?
  2. Is there a WMO above you? Might be the game engine doing some occlusion. Could you give us a blueprint perhaps to spawn this & test ourselves?
  3. Yeah, sorry, we need to revisit this command entirely in the same nature that .doodad import works. We can't phase in retail NPCs anymore due to optimisations. Will revisit this command in due course.
  4. Ack. This should be covered by one of the items on the hotfix agenda in #announcements.
  5. I have poofed the spell. Lemme know if this is not the case.
  6. Ack. This is going to be difficult to fix... the wmos don't exist as a collidable surface to NPCs, it's usually the client doing assumptions / approximations. Collision is super low level code and I don't think either I nor Azarchius are knowledgable enough at low engine level code to 1: investigate it, 2: fix it and 3: fix it without impacting performance.
  7. Shoving this into Solved as it'll be in the customisation post. Thanks!
  8. This should be fixed! Please let me know if it's not ?
  9. Easier way. We just enable all of the anim ids as 'emotes'. It's something I do on Paragon.
  10. Just out of curiousity, do they show if your mage is in fire spec / has Felo'melorn equipped?
  11. God this crap again. 5 years later and it still rears its ugly head. Applied a fix.
  12. Think it's fixed now though.
  13. This has been fixed, sorry for late answer.
  14. It won't do this after a server restart. Thanks.
  15. Formations aren't compatible with waypoints that have curve spline. If you enforce a small delay at each waypoint, this won't happen. Neither I nor Azarchius are probably capable of fixing this as it is low level engine code.
  16. Bit late, but here's what we'll have in 8.3: NPC Gossips is in, but still missing some of your suggestions - changing the option icons didn't seem to work, binding scripts to options needs a lot more time, changing the background is not something I've looked into yet. NPC Formations is in. However some weird behaviour occurs when interacting with curving waypoints (i.e. waypoint node does not make NPC come to a stop on top of it). NPC Scripting is logged as a thing to do, but no guarantee on progress. Book items has some of the groundwork needed to make it work in place, but no specific progress on it. Book objects depends on a complete overhaul of gameobjects - with a forge system. But the page system is in place (and could be made into a gossip system...) Chest objects is not on the agenda. Points of interest is also not on the agenda. Sign objects depends on the same system as book objects. Key items would be fleshed out after book items, I gather, because they introduce a bit of complexity. .npc turn {there}{here}{likeme} will make the NPC shuffle. Non-interactable gameobject variants is still something I'd like to see too!
  17. Formations are on the agenda which will do .npc follow on a particular NPC. They will intuitively support "follow from this distance & angle". Not certain about the player behaviour though, usually NPCs following them follow the static pet values for distance & angle.
  18. The outfit system in Paragon was designed to overcome the item displayid cap. Epsilon achieved this in a different way. The extra races was just icing on the top. At it's core the outfit system just modified your displayid & enriched it with mirror data packets. You should be able to modify your displayid and let the rest of the game automatically inherit your character appearance & armour. Ultimately, when the server updates to 8.3 you won't need this feature.
  19. Making NPCs face other NPCs/Players may be as simple as checking every now and then for the closest target within # yards and physically targeting them. But I'm a little nervous at the performance cost if someone does that to, say, 1000 creatures. Now every interval/update they'll do the check and we end up scanning a grid for entities within # yards to the NPC in question - which is by no means a cheap function. Making them look at certain points could be done with them targeting an invisible NPC and that NPC could be on a waypoint if you so wanted them to pan their head every now and then. You already have a command that'll achieve your ".turn #degrees" command: .gps face # .npc emote #id locked would just need us to see if we can suppress the .npc say animation.
  20. Razmataz

    .gob group act

    Done : ) commit e2bfb7ce6d18c76eff7b4bb0296b43bfd431eab9 Date: Sat Mar 7 17:23:35 2020 +0000 Implement gobject group activate [permanent] command
  21. The cloth_a_11 items are governed by simple logic. Blizzard only made a item/texturecomponents/torsouppertexture/cloth_a_11darkgray_chest_tu_m.blp file, no counterparty _f.blp file, and then set up ComponentTextureFileData.db2 so that if a displayid refers to the textures, only the _m texture is loaded and only rendered on males. Easy solution would be to change the GenderIndex for those files to 3 so that they're unisex. Same story for the tatooos, really. Textures just mold to a character model and don't have any complexity. Now that you're tampering with the ComponentTextureFileData files, you can go further and generate new displayids so that you disassociate the demon hunter chest textures with the demon hunter class, allowing them to use the normal class variant, and everyone else to use the demon hunter class variant. For that, you'd have to create a new texture id. You take the ComponentTextureFileData entries with ClassIndex to 12, give them new textureIDs, and map the Demon Hunter texture fileids to those new textureIDs in TextureFileData.db2 too. You then create a new displayid referring to those textures which you could achieve just by copying all of the displayids that had the non Demon Hunter textureids and making them use the new textureids. Still not satisfied? You could go and do them to the ComponentModelFileData ones as well - the demon hunter and non demon hunter helmet variants. And if you're still interested in breaking the system open, why not let males wear female textures and females wear male textures? Actually, maybe don't go that far.
  22. Razmataz

    .gob anim

    Lei Shen's platform FX. There's three versions: Normal, electrocuted, fried (end of battle)
  23. The cavelight's .m2s can be modified (as done by another server) to not need state 0 3.